Twenty one pounds in twenty one weeks


Silver Member
I started my weight loss journey on 9th January 2012 and still have some way to go. In an attempt to kick start 2013 I have set myself a final goal. My aim is to reach 10 stone and I have decided that I can realistically achieve this by the beginning of June. To make things easy this equates to a pound a week for the next 21 weeks. Doable I'm sure but having learned the lessons of the past I know that I stick to it when I menu plan and buddy up with others for added motivation when the going gets tough.

So to make sure I achieve my goal I will:

Menu plan daily
Continue with 3x weekly kettlebells (challenge is to increase weight from 8 kg to 10kg within a month)
Average 10,000 steps a day over a week
Climb 10 flights of steps a day
Weigh myself on Sundays ONLY

To motivate myself I will

Take my measurements monthly
Keep a photographic journal of the next 5 months
Reward myself ( non food of course) for every 3.5 lbs lost. List to be compiled!

If anyone wants to join my 21 lb challenge you're most welcome!
Good luck daisybell, I have restarted today and have about 23lbs to lose-tbc when I weigh in for the first time on Friday.

Sounds like a good idea, what you are doing to keep yourself motivated :) I have had so much junk food over Christmas that I am almost excited about eating properly!!
Hi Josiecat

Goodluck with starting again. 23 lb is manageable and puts you on a similar timescale to mine. Why not join me?

I get my motivation in several ways. I found that once I started losing weight, the changes I saw spurred me on to do more and I found clothes! As a size 22 I used to have no choice and hated shopping. I am now a 14 and shopping is a joy. I occasionally buy something that is too small and keep trying it on until it fits. Works wonders for the morale.

Being accountable by weighing and recording at a club or here on Minimins keeps me on track, as does my menu planning.

So with that in mind;

B'fast: fruit and yogurt
Lunch: Egg curry, cucumber raita and tomato salad
Dinner: vegetable pasta, sugar free jelly and yogurt
Snacks: ryvita, Philly and jam, options chocolate, apple, pear.

Kettlebells, 12,000 steps and 12 flights of stairs
On the brink of another New Year and the motivation to lose weight is still strong.

My menu plan for the day is:

B'fast: eggs, tomato and mushroom
Lunch: veg soup, yogurt jelly and fruit
Dinner: egg curry and cucumber raita
Snacks: ryvita, Philly and jam, banana, grapes, tangerine, carrot sticks, mango mayo dip

Luckily I can take or leave the drink so the New Year celebrations won't be a problem. Have bought some ginger cordial to take with me, along with a bottle of wine. Will also take some snacks that I can eat.

Yesterday I did Kettlercise long DVD, it is a decent work out but I just know I can do more. Bought myself a 7.5kg bell so that should make for a better work out.

I am also monitoring my activity levels on the fitbit and managed 10500 steps yesterday. Will have to increase this substantially if I am to hit the average 70k per week I am aiming for.

Today : 12500 steps, 20 flights and the 30 day shred.

The really good thing about the exercise is that I am increasing my water consumption .75l carafe with every DVD done. Also bought some fennel tea which I love.
New Year, new me!

Was really good on the drinks front New Years eve but gave in to the nut bowl. Not sure which is more damaging although keep telling myself that nuts are at least good for you.

Have to find a way to get rid of the remaining chocolates in the house. If all else fails, will bin them. One mince pie in the tin but I'm not tempted with that. Oter than that, all signs of Xmas food are gone.


B'fast: fruit salad and yogurt
Lunch: vegetable soup
Dinner: vegetable byriani, cucumber raita and stewed plums (1 syn)
Snacks: apple, banana, ryvita Philly and jam (HEB, HEA, 2 syns) boiled egg

Kettlebells with 7.5kg
10,000 steps
10 flights of stairs

Need to get into a routine. Work starts in earnest tomorrow so need to get organized. Sleep tracker is also proving interesting on fitbit. I am getting just over 6 hours per night on average. Will soon have enough data to work out what helps me sleep (not usually a problem) stay asleep (mega problem)

Will Organise whiteboard, sort out paperwork, prepare plan for January, review SM CV and cover letter.
Back on here again to log my efforts. Every time I stop menu planning Igo off track. So although I am obviously a very slow learner - I'm back again to give it another go


B'fast: fruit and yogurt
Lunch: Roast veg, cabbage, peas, one low fat sausage and Yorkshire pudding cooked in spray oil. Meringue with fruit and yogurt
Dinner: scrambled egg and baked beans
Snack: slim a soup, banana, ryvita with Philly chocolate.


10,000 steps
Week 6 cardio
10 flights stairs

8 glasses of water
3 cups of mint tea
I'm back again,in more ways than one! My heads in the right place and I am losing again. Another week and should be back to my lowest weight from just before Christmas.

Last night went to a special dinner and felt really great. Wore a fitted turquoise dress (bought in December) and it fitted perfectly.need to wear it more often before it gets too big!

Offered to drive so gained loads of brownie points, saved taxi fare, saved syns and didn't have a hang over this morning. Result!

Am going to start menu planning again, so here goes

Blast: crumpet (6syns) berry fruit, fat free Greek yogurt (hairy bikers diet book)
Lunch: salad, cold meats
dinner: beef steak, green beans, carrots, rice.
Snacks: grapes, banana, slice plum loaf, hot chocolate (skimmed milk and square chilli chocolate)

Walk into town this morning (one hour min) shred level 1

Aim of the day - drink 8 glasses of water, as well as usual tea.
Had a not brilliant weekend. Get lonely and ned up comfort eating if I'm not careful. Need to keep busy

Plan for today

Extra easy

Bfast: scrambled egg and smoked mackerel. Fruit salad and yogurt
Lunch: veg soup with pearl barley
Dinner: vegetable stir fry with cashew nuts and rice.
Snacks; options chocolate, gin and tonic