Under 200 or bust!

You will be fine re pmt. make sure you have plenty of snacks available.
Ransch hope you are ok.

Egg mayo is always good to have in the fridge too x
OOHH I love egg mayo!! D'oh!! I will make some up YUM
me too :) i have it a container in the fridge and keep dipping in iff hungry. gonna add some cress this week LOL treat myself !
yes bacon is yummy. even better if you get that crispy bacon from tesco or m and s and sprinkle it in. I also sometimes add grated cheese. :D
Hey Leanne! Last year I grew loads, salad leaves, spring onions, red and white regular onions, leeks, cabbage, broccoli, cauli (I think the caterpillars had more than me on those) also a pepper plant, some carrots and a pumpkin..(wow they take up some room !!)
We have raspberries and strawberries and I bought a blackberry plant which looks like it might have some goodies on it this year.
I grew tons of tomatoes in the conservatory which were really yummy, we have a pear tree though I hate pears...pretty though!!
I bought 3 little fruit trees specially for containers last year and unfortunately one was dead on arrival (mail order) one looks like it's dead or dying and one thats really healthy looking...not labeled !! SO it could be peach apple or cherry...no idea yet!
What are you growing this year?
I expect its just some lettuce, spring onions and tommys for me this year..strawberries are all on the way already. They do taste amazing if you can grow your own don't they?
Also grew herbs, eg mint, rosemary, chives,coriander and basil xxx
You must have a nice sized plot there.
This year I'm growing salad potatoes, Swiss chard, tomatoes, gooseberries, chillies, strawberries, rhubarb, rosemary, sage, several types of thyme, basil, dill, was growing courgettes but something ate them, loads of different salad leaves. So I spend a fair amount in my garden. :D
Yeah we have a decent size one though at the moment it's a bit jungly and a lot of buttercups are interloping!
OOh I forgot rhubarb...think that's Atkins friendly?? (not read my book enough yet!)
We're renting so the landlord already had blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes in as well but I didn't use them last year..I'm wondering if a lovely creamy gooseberry fool would do this year...have to practice with the splenda cooking!
When my boys are at school I get out as much as I can, but they are a bit high maintenance home in the holidays so my garden went a bit wild while they were off. I have to hurry up and tame it a bit before half term :)
Egg mayo- what a wonderful idea, thank you. I've got my totm (new word I learnt today) and it's terrible but I haven't had any sweet cravings :D

Wow, you lot are really into your gardening. I'm new to it this year and am growing beans, mangetout, courgettes and tomatoes as I've heard they're good for beginners. I've also got my hands on a stevia plant although I'm not sure if I like the taste of it! :(
Hi Leanne1 you can buy stevia plants at the garden centres here in Germany.

You're supposed to trim them so they don't get too long and dangly so I did and put the cuttings in water. Now they've grown roots and I've got about six plants! Don't know what to do with them!
Hmm. I'd send you one if I could!