Under 200 or bust!

I did glaze over a bit at the possibilities!!! :D
Definately going to try the more savory delights as it reminds me of really nice nutty brown bread...I was thinking eggy bread as well...but after a slice of that I can't imagine being able to eat again for the rest of the day!!!
They rise really well!! I was impressed (I took a picture and everything )
well where is the pic. Yes eggy bread is good but waaay too filling for me too x
Hi nina, just found your diary so i'll be following it now ;)
Hi Neen.. enjoying your diary.. You seem to be coming along really well. sounds like you're getting your head around things... Don't forget if you need a Band/Atkins chat.. I'm here!!!.... Still cutting my steak into teeny tiny pieces so I don't get stuck!!!!..

Have a great carb free weekend!!
Don't be down hun, you are doing something about it - and totm always adds weight. Chin up, enjoy your birthday knowing you aren't going to be the same next year! :)
Hey Neen, cheer up! Seems to have been a difficult week for many of us who have completed week 2. Never mind, things will get better!
Cheer up - hope the next week is better;)
Morning Neen, you have done so well, and you'll do even better. just wait until your next birthday :)
Thanks everyone xxx Well I put on everything I lost since starting Atkins again during my birthday (plus TOTM). Feeling like I can't ever get the rest of the weight off at the moment and very depressed.
I am only a couple pounds lower than I was last year and considering I had a band to supposedly help me , I feel a total waste of space at the moment.
I am starting again today and I will make myself exercise , but in my heart of hearts I feel like I will just continue to go round in circles like I have for the last year and a half.
Thanks for the kind words x
That's probably just totm talking, hun - you have done so well, and we are human after all, sometimes it's just so hard to keep focused - but your focus will come back!

Thanks Susie xxx I expect it is a bit.
I feel like I can't be on the other site advising anyone at the moment because I am making such a pigs ear of my own weight loss journey.
My Dad (also has a weight issue) called me on my birthday and he's been doing well losing weight..he's a stone lighter than me,..so pleased for him but feel really blurgh..
back up to 16 st 4 today (weighed after a long weekend of debauchery) and I am just not confident of getting lower than 15 st 12 again even if I do everything right.
My bmi is still bad despite having surgery almost 3 years ago and some people getting sleeves and bypasses are even slightly smaller than I am now...so I feel the band can't do anything to help me anymore and if it's down to me I am doomed!!!
I am a lazy so-en-so and I don't like to be uncomfortable , that's why I don't exercise and yet I still feel entitled to lose weight.
(wow hormones suck don't they? !!!)