Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

ah right - thanks Linz - takes a bit of working out then will you have to check forever?
Nah think once I get to maintaining I won't be so strict, its mostly important in the month after op especially for healing purposes. x
Hello my lovelies. Again no updates on here either. I think my e mails have had enough and given up on me! Im here now though. Contemplating my motivation today. Even took the dog for a walk around the park. Mark normally does it, if i go oliver wants to play in the swing park and i cant look after him in there and walk the dog at the same time
ah right Linz - bet a lot of people dont bother??
Cheryl thats a step forward babes!! well done. birthday soon ;)
I know im begining to get excited. No sparkly ring though, Mark is going out to buy me some presents when i go to work on weds. Ideas please ladies!!!
Hey Sarah how are you????
why not the ring babe? roll stepper and shake weight ;) i think you have been avaoiding me cos you have opened the box and pressies. ;)
Pmsl, dont be so silly. Oh and Mark decided to use the box for something he sold on ebay (i took your sticker off and stuck it over your address in my book) Hes put all the presents somewhere so i couldnt look now even if i wanted to :0(
Why not a ring............Well money first of all hun and i dont know my size and not enough time to have it made. My engagement and wedding rings were made for me so i think the eternity one should be too. Xmas might be an idea though. Or as an extra present when i have another baby!!!!! That way i get another day of pressies for me. Pmsl
mm ill be checking Cheryl :) LOL glad to know the puppy pad box has gone round the country :) oh yes would be niver to have one made for you.
new straighteners - thos ones that dry your hair too?
lol. id prefer the straighteners, never have enough pots to wash to get a dish washer.
omg how dark is it. not looking forward to my walk/jog later :(
I had them but they dried my hair out too much.
Im NOT getting a dishwasher for my birthday Sarah. Im having one WHEN the utility room is ready.
thought you saw that one on tv cheryl? you mentioed it sat when i was drying my hair?
what about a nice coat/boots/handbag???
oh a personal trainer and chef...oh no wait thats me :D
Well Mark wants a list. Knowing his taste i will be better off writing a list of items and which shop with a full description so i get exactly what i like. Im surfing for it all tonight. lol