Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Hello boys and girls how are you all?
Sorry its been a while but things have been mega busy and ive only just got my first proper day off that im not spending quality time with my boys. Its all going well here and i can relax a little as Sherlock is almost over and nothing in the pipeline for after at the moment.
So tell me what have i missed? Whats new?
omg stranger :) love ya xxxx
my date went really well cheryl and ive missseedddd youuuuuu!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well im still waiting to hear all! I can answer texts but i do get so busy i forget to write one.........Will always answer back though.
Ive missed you honey sooooooooooo much. Ive been a really crap friend and im sorry. Im hoping now i'll be about a bit more but you just never know whats going to happen with work. It changes every min.
If you go backa couple of pages on here love you can see :) posted sat afternoon xxxx

awww i love you and know you have been busy babes xxxxx

how was sherlock? how was jude?
Oooh what page????
Jude is fab but he finished filming a while ago. Was with Guy last fri. Hes so funny......f*** this and f*** that. His films are just how he speaks! Lol.
I love you too munchkin. xxx
afternoon!!! omg i must have been plastered to feel this bad i did accuse him of spiking me with rohypnol though lol. had about 2 hours sleep.... ;) lovely lovely lovely. went into a village for some drinks which was pants and i was waaay too dressed up so went into newcastle...oops chilli vodka at vodka revs then a couple of other bars then back to his and we had music on dead loud and had a real giggle. As soon as i got there yesterday Grace did a sh*t in his kitchen and erm he stood in some this morning someone had pood on the carpet pmsl. the dogs love him and the feeling is mutual.
Oh when i came downstairs after getting ready his eyes nearly popped out of his head and he kept saying im gorgeous, amazing, sexy, amazing body etc etc :) he said everyone was perving on me in the vodka bar :) ahhhh
made me breakfast this morning atkins style of course :)
so. decided to pull my finger out and come home. cant be arsed to do the housework though so erm opened the wine? thought might cure me?

B - sausage (dont be rude) egg bacon mush and tomato
L - nothing
D - curry and wrap havent been shopping so not got any veg. oops.
a - erm im having wine now
ex - erm??? nah will do jillian and housework tomorrow

there you go lover xxxx
Sorry for delay i had to do a lap of the house........Wooooohoooooo.
Well what can i dsay to that.........You dirty stop out....I hope you were a good girl! Lol. Of course i dont really you can text me the rest!!!! Lmfao
lmao Cheryl :D
aww he send me lovely texts and is lovely. happy girl babes :D xxxxx
forgot to mention he actually ran me a bath while he was making breakfast i was in the jacuzzi :D
Are you packed yet Vicky? Bet you can't wait when it's this close. Luckily you still have a great weekend to look forward to when it's over too. :D

Cheryl, so lovely to see you posting - are you keeping well? What's little boy O doing since you were last here? Deffo busy as usual by the sounds of it. :) Ooooh and you're on first name terms with famous actors and famous directors and everything! That means some of the stardust rubs off on me just by talking to you! ;)
Lol ww you never know. I said on here a while back as a joke that i was going to work but the next day i was going to take over the film world. That very night i got given my job with a mths trial. That officially finished last weds but i was told over 2wks ago i had proven myself and the film side are keeping me on. I think the adverts are too but he has not actually said in so many words but has given me 3 jobs for this week! But yes after working that closely with them we are all on first name terms.
So Suze what do you know??
Vicky honey...........i think hes a keeper! I love you honey and soooooo sooooooooo happy for you. Will i be meeting him in may?
Hi vicky- glad everything is still so happy and sunny - so many texts and so little time lol :D

Hi cheryl, wonderful to see you back and pleased that the work is going so well. We all got see you on telly :D

Very excellent that the new work is all falling into place C - can you reduce your commitment to the other job at all now, or are you still doing all the hours god sends there too?
And Vicky - I blushed when I read the jacuzzi post there - totally missed that earlier. You..didn' him see you noody or anything did you? :eek:
Of course she did! Lmao. You dont spend the whole night at a mans house and him step in dog s**t without erm..........pmsl (did you vicky?????? well????)
Ahh did you all watch me on eastenders? My big debut! pmsl. I hurt for days after that......they didnt show you me lifting her up! Oh and the baldy i was with..........i now have his job! Oh well his loss and stupidity is def my gain!
No im still on the ambos for now the problem with the tv and film work is that its never always there. Like now sherlock is finishing and we dont have another film yet. so cant afford to give it up......i wish i could. Well only time will tell. It would be nice to cut down my hours but i will never give it up as its too secure.
aww cheryl lovely to have you back. Mum is coming to norfol for first couple of days atm.
mornng all been up since stupid o clock, exctied bout tonight and nervous for Mr T so ill be shattered later...NOT
friend has bought bottle of vodka and bottle of wine for the room omg we are gonna have a party!
B - cereal thing
L/D/S - who knows? something legal though
ex - dancing like a tit and loads of walking
a - omg yes
w - probably not

pmsl he has just text me and said he will tick(le) all my boxes soon LMAO!!!!

ww - cant possibly answer your questions unless under vodka interrogation xxxxx
Morning Vicky, Hi Cheryl :wavey: