Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

lets do it then ! DO NOT LET ME GIVE UP!!!
So you'll come off Dukan while in France? Or move into phase 3?
I will not Vic hun.
What do you think would be better Joanne? I dont want to pile on the pounds as will be trying for baby when we get home but do want a holiday. If that makes any sense to you at all?
why dont you do the 3rd stage when you can have 2 celebration meals/treats a week (i.e. what you want) and do one pp day? then you can have treats still????
I think that sounds the best idea... Phase 3 allows one fruit per day also... but you must respect the one PP day... (and the oatbran! hihi!)

Your celebration meals are just the one meal though, not a day...!
oh and you can have 40g of cheese too per day and 2 slices of wholemeal bread. :D and dont you start phasing pasta in too?
That i can cope with. Am i allowed salad? I can eat normally then. Well normally for me out there. 2 ice creams a week and not feel guilty? If i do Joanne i'll be driving a long way so you can sort me out. Lol
Ive never been on to eat pasta cereal or rice really anyway. Pasta was prob my favorite of all the 3 but i cut that out ages ago
yes you can have your salad and veg 6 days per week but you MUST do one PP day only a week :D
Yes if you feel you need to to lose more weight. but if you trying for babs i would read the chapter in the bok about that babe.
I second everything Longratia has said... if you can do without having pasta, all the better... and, as for the bread, he does say not to go over 40g (which is about 1 slice of plastic supermarket brown bread or two tiny ones of "pain complet" over here which he recommends from the boulangerie rather than supermarket). It's all carbs of course but the idea in phase 3 is to phase them in slowly but if you're just having a little holiday adventure, if you can avoid it, great! White bread/baguette no way!

After, as Longratia says, theoretically you'd need to drop back into 2 to 3 PPs, and you will probably have gained some weight with your carbs, but with your baby plans, perhaps you could eat healthily without ketosis.
Thats what im hoping for. And as for the bread it has to be fresh from the boulangerie every time. What is a "pain complet"? It will only probably be on the 1night a week we take a picnic to the beech to watch the sunset. Im sure i can cope without it the rest of the time or i'll end up wanting the whole loaf.Lol
pain complet (brown bread but it's not sugared as most supermarket browns are, and worse besides if you read the labels ever...) does have the advantage of staying "fresh" (compared to the baguette which turns into concrete 1.5 hrs after you buy it!)... I freeze it otherwise, but in the caravan that'd be complicated... I buy it sliced (tranché) and wrap it in tinfoil to help keep it edible!

Picnic with chicken, cherry tomatoes, and some carrot and celery sticks... and stay heroic ;)
That sounds like a normal lunch for us, Oliver loves his fruit and veg. Ooh im looking forward to this even more now. Thanks.
I will probably be really good. Like last weekend i said at my dinner on the river i was going to totally blow out but couldnt bring myself to do it and had steak and salad then my lillte blow out i had fruit sundae for pud. Berries with a scoop of ice cream on top and more berries on that. I even asked for none of that immitation sauce and had them blend some berries for mine.
Think I'll take a holiday to Cuba as the food is inedible over there when you aren't in the tourist areas lol. Would be able to stick to Dukan no problem :D
Very true i love Cuba, we honeymooned there for almost a month. Stayed in cayo Guillermo, sol cayo guillermo (apts) The beech was very close to that we had in the maldives
A month honeymoon??? You're just spoilt :p But yes Cuba is very beautiful especially when you get into the country. Same can be said for the Dominican Republic as well, we got married there - it was the best day of my life :D