Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

You SO need rid of her Vicky. x
she has gone :( lady was waiting for me when i got in. it was all a bit rushed and then my shopping came and had to ry and fit all the meat and cheese in the fridge. im stressing cos i cant cope with sorting diet plan out tonight. im busy tomorrow night and sat day but must do it saturday night cos i start on sunday! need to fit a big clean in too. plus i dont like the name the person who wants doris is going to call her its GAY!!!! im stressed. so ive come on here to vent!!!! im going to cry now :( i try and do too much and if i could i would do all my house work tonight (like full spring clean-chuck clothes out wash carpets, curtains and windows etc etc), wash my hair, sort my diet out and cook meals. :( but i cant :'(
:cry::cry:Awww ((((((())))) no, have a sit down , a fag and a glass of wine, and a blub, I'm sad for you:cry::cry:
Give yourself a break babes... you need some time out. You are trying to do too much & something has to give & it can't be you. xxxx
I agree darling. You really can only do so much. What is more important? Make yourself a list and prioritise. You really do need to slow down though babes. Now go and sit, with a glass of wine and chill!
well ive done my diet plan and my cleaning plan! by next sunday ill have a sparkling house and have lost a stone :D sitting with a v and t god knows what im gonna eat tonight :(
I think you need a night in front of the box, as there's lots of good mind numbing stuff on tonight. Eastenders, Law and Order UK and Katie Price. Include a bottle of Gin (and some cheese too) and you have the perfect night in.

Keep your chin up lovely.


PS: a little puppy pooh rubbed behind the slobby lodgers radiator might make you feel better. Especially as the heating is due to go on soon ;)
im having chips and scraps and curry sorry girls xxxx
Why are you aplogising. If ever there was a time for chips, it's tonight. You enjoy. x
omg Nik i cant say thanks to your post!!! boo but thanks babe. ben on fitness pal and its all wrong. according to atkins 5 g carbs is one cup of salad but no chance fitness pal says one! so i think fitness pal might not be used!!!!!
What the heck is Fitness Pal??????????
google it you will be surprised ;) omg window cleaner just been round to collect money he has turned gay in a week. he is so camp!!!!
Stupid Nigella is making a peanut butter and chocolate cheesecake type thingy. I think I might cry :cry:
Nikki i had to turn it over. Im soooooo hungry. Cant stop thinking about food. Had my dinner but need more. Im not going to have any though, maybe a bit of cheese.
Hun you deserve your chips and scraps????? Not a southern thing.
Awwwwwwwww Vicky, give yourself a break tonight, it sounds like you need some down time for yourself - sending loadsa hugs xxxxxx
I figured she'd gotten desperate and resorted to dog food re: scraps LOL.

Cathy, I'm peckish too. I've just made Mouse's biscuits. 10 minutes and counting. God I hope they're good.