Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

No she wanted my BF to deliver them for her!!!! to go and get them and do it for her. dont know if im being paranoid or what
Id tell her straight. And him while im at it. If she doesnt stop then well cross that bridge when you come to it.

Ive just booked in to drs for 10am tomorrow. Hopefully hes not running late so i can get to work on time!
he says im being daft. ive told her she is a lazy b*tch for not delivering them herself.! it is lazy though if it was for my own business I would do it. i was going to get my nails refilled by her but im just going to take them off and suffer the horrid short nails for a while.
oh hope you get on ok - what time you at work? last time i had dr appointment i waited 45 mins!
Can I join in with the RAAAAAAAAAAA ladies? Not much sleep again last night as Finn still up coughing and being sick on a regular basis. He had an injection tonight and starts tablets tonight - vets bill £70 arggggggggggg - half of that was the cost of 6 days tablets - rediculous! Still no working kitchen although worktops have now arrived so hopefully that will mark the start of it getting completed!
Hugs to all cos it sounds like we need em xxxx
Oh bren - poor doglet and poor you. big hugs babe xxxx
oh want mukluks!!!! and stop with the bag porn!
Hello all! Love to see "I actually feel thin!!!" on your diary Vicky... after all, if we took the scales out of the equation, we often do feel good...

As for being ratty and standing up for yourself, do you (any of you) find that you do that more when you're feeling slim and good in yourself than "before" when we didn't and weren't?! I know I'm far more upfront with my feelings, and do so like to share them with people, haaaaa!

Cheryl - more haste less speed and all that! Get yourself healed inside and out first please! Are you back at work? ugh!!

Present idea - at the moment I want a weather station! Daft but true. Anyone got one they're very pleased with?

Quak - ooooh no re vet's bill... why are they so darned expensive (pet insurance?)

Jim - us Dukaners get around... perhaps we should get our heads together and invent a "Dukkins" diet then you guys could have some muffins/pancakes with our oatbran and we could have some of your cheese... and cream...

Vicky's already got me doing a Dukan(ish) variation of your CB pie...
Hi Jo...

Like the idea of Dukkins!! x
Defining Calories........

Calories are the little things that get into your wardrobe at night and sew your clothes tighter.

My closet is infested with the little sh*ts!!!
As for being ratty and standing up for yourself, do you (any of you) find that you do that more when you're feeling slim and good in yourself than "before" when we didn't and weren't?! I know I'm far more upfront with my feelings, and do so like to share them with people, haaaaa!
yes possibly. more confident i think. like i could murder my ex to his face rather than the knife in the back :D
dukkins is great idea.
omg couldnt get on here for about 2 hours - nearly had a break down!
LOL thanks for the pic. MY FOOD PORN!! looks amazing babe. yes you were made for atkins :D I take it hubby likes cheese too.
oh linz I love that!!!!! Thats sooo funny - but a great idea too. whats his and your favourite?