Violets CD Diary x

Haha thanks love, that's weighing in at 11st 6lbs, want to get me toned up before xmas pretty then I'll be happy :) I'd much rather a toned 12 than a flabby 10 iyswim?. So might aim to lose some more flab before toning as that would weigh more no? Cor I confuse myself sometimes lol.

You've done the shred haven't you? I've got it on order can't wait to give out a go!!
Xmas pretty?! I don't even know what that was meant to say lol
The shred is DEAD good - exhausting work, but BOY do you feel amazing afterwards. It's a real dedication. I am toying with the idea of doing it every other day - because it does slow the weight loss but you get guns pretty quick :)

Are you having christmas there or coming back?
Yeh that's why I kind of want to lose a bit extra before starting so I can handle the extra muscle weight. Hopefully do the shred in december to be hot to trot at xmas :)
Going to head back to uk if we can find some decent priced flights, reckon the little man will love seeing all the lights and of course getting spilt rotten by grandma :)
It's a weird one, my fella doesnt really get christmas at all (not the mad version of my family at least) does your husband? I'm kind of in recovery from my insane christmas addiction - but I still would like a nice one...It's only fair, I mean I make an effort at Ramadam etc!

Anyway better go and do some work now

Yeh, no, not really lol! Does yours? He does understand all about it but it doesn't hold the same importance of course as he hasn't grown up with it being a part of his life. He does make an effort though, hell always manage to source a turkey from somewhere and have presents even if the turkey is served with strawberry jam and pancakes (same batter as yorkies) but its not quite the same lol. Business is really good at xmas too so its better for me and the little one to poke off back to uk and leave him to it! He doesn't mind at all and it means we can be with my family which is lush :) the last couple of years we've had xmas here and all my family have come out which had been awesome but this year hopefully will be in england!

On a separate note I'm officially on step 4 :) although my version of step 3 and step 4 are quite close anyway.
He tries too, before he came here he was in love with the idea, the german markets idea I think! But he doesnt do pork, so christmas dinner with the folks became pork gate, where he would obsessively sniff out any cooking which may have been anywhere near any pork - just so happens I hate pork, so that's ok for me, we have a proper turkey and a leg of lamb usually with some chestnut stuffing and such

What business is your fella in?

Good on you for stepping up there, so now it's a good time to up your excercise - no choice as judith beck would say - cant wait for you to see how scary Jillian Micheals is - I near pee'd myself laughing the first time, she is a robot I swear! I may do 30DS tonight since I am alone and the baby is in bed. It helps pass the time :)
love the new title. poor ickle wilbert, though. :(
bettiesrevenge said:
What business is your fella in?

The restaurant business!! We own 2 restaurants. 1 seafood and grill restaurant, 1 indian, thai & chinese restaurant with a sushi bar chucked in for good measure!

So I'm lucky enough to have tonnes of great chefs at my beck and call to cook anything I ask for so there's no excuse fire not eating healthily, although I'm also just a phone call away from a whole load of not so healthy dishes lol lucky I'm pretty strong willed!

Mmmmm thai curry :p
Wow! Now that's temptation right there - you also seem to have cornered the market for just about every edible cuisine!

how's wilbert doing? Has he vacated yet and did the shred arrive?
Haven't posted much recently but plodding along a ok. I have to say, I'm glad I didn't move up the steps any sooner or further from my goal, these last lbs are taking forever!

My brother suggested I started a blog about my weightloss journey and over various stuff, so I've been doing some writing over the last few nights and I've got so into it!! Being a stay at home mum/housewife I sometimes feel my brain isn't getting as much simulation as it could and I've really enjoyed this mini project so far. Does anyone have a blog here, I'm just writing at the mo but would value some advice on how to put a blog together if anyone had any?

On a different note, we worked out last night that between my mum, my sis and myself we've lost 9 stone since the beginning of august!??! How mental is that! So proud of us :)

Hope everyone is well x
Hey, beautiful. Was wondering about little Wilbert yesterday. Sorry you haven't managed to evict him yet.

I used to write a shopping blog. There are two main options: blogspot and wordpress. I used blogspot (google 'blogger' to set up an account). You set up your page to look how you want it (choosing from templates), and then just start writing. Easy peasy.
That's seriously faboo!

I think having a blog is a really good idea, I like writing so that people can interact, I am enough already inside my own head, so I like to get out of it!

9 stone of weight gone - thats one and a half victoria beckhams!

I know what you mean about being a stay at home mum, but it's equally bad when you are a working one! Just different mind numbing sameness.
bettiesrevenge said:
9 stone of weight gone - thats one and a half victoria beckhams!
Ha ha that's hilarious! Can't wait to tell them that :) xxx
Wilbert is starting to get on my wick! He's bought his wife along, so now I'm +sue! Yes that's right I'm 1lb bloody up, will I ever get to target these weeks are dragging so much!

Should I do a few days on ss+ our would that defeat the point if the steps? I'm currently on step 4 week 1. Its so much food I swear (compared to ss+) sometimes I just don't want to eat! To be honest I'm looking forward to step 6, think I'm going to do slimming world. Need to get some deets on this as its been donks since I had a go and I heard its all changed.

Its the community market again today so planning on taking a trot down later on. X
Oooh Vi - Lets look at the evidence here, how was sue allowed to sneak in.

Does wilbert invite any carbs around?
Does wilbert have a sugar vice?
Is wilbert in love with any foods on the 1000 list?

If the answer is yes, like a gremlin eating after midnight, or adam and eve - he will bring along sue to the party, sneak her in the back door and start bloomin necking, just stop them copulating Vi - get your ass down to the fish resturant and get on some flounder or something. Big up the protein - it's the only way - that and green vegetables. Take a look at dukan as an option. dispite being la francais, it's c'est bon bon :)
Ha ha good call betty ! Naughty wilbert trying to screw things up at the last hurdle, men eh!! I wanna keep a close eye, imagine the love children eeeeeek!

Do you think I should do ss+ week? If I did would I have to work up the steps again from scratch? Problem is step 4 Is so much food not sure I will lose this week, its just a freaking wilbert left, well him and sue now grrrrrrr x
Blimey, your diary took a funny turn there, with naughty partys and copulating goings on! :)

How are you doing now? I am a bit worried about moving up the steps - is it really hard?
i am having a similar thing of considering going back down to SS+. i can only do it for two weeks due to having to come back up for an occasion and then i might as well stay up til the new year and the post-Christmas damage assessment.

i've still got a stone to go though, i think i came up to step3 too early.

with only 1-2 lbs to go i wouldn't go back down if i were you. Sue is probably a result of going up to step4, when your body is done adjusting she should depart. i think i remember reading somewhere that the reason you're supposed to do two weeks on each higher step is that the first week you might gain but you should lose it in the second week.

plus you would have to redo the steps again properly i think or risk a bigger gain...