V's final weight loss journey to find her slimmer happy self.......

v12345 said:
So after my ill spell and putting on around 6 lbs, am back to lose as much as I can by Christmas!
I've got 16 weeks to lose 4 stones, maybe a little bit more.
I must get into that size 12 dress for Christmas.
Doing 4 packs a day and nothing else.

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Go V you can do it, glad you are now feeling better!

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Deezer said:
How are you feeling???


Hi Hun, am ok- ish. On iron tablets n meta tone syrup! And dr said and am ok to re-start, So starting today.
Feel ok but still a bit tired.
But all is good and i need to shed this bloody weight ASAP!

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Take it easy hunny

Make sure you have plenty of protein hun

Welcome back xxx
That's the spirit V! Hope today's going well for ya. Only a few days to ketosis-heaven!! x
Struggling to get back on track! Arrrgghhh.
I need to do this, come on V!!!!

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Write that lust of te reasons you're doing this! Stick a big sign saying 'wedding' or 'dress' on ur kitchen doors! Come on hunni..... U can do this! X
We believe in you so you gotta believe in you too! x
I agree with the ladies. You know you can do this and have all our support x x
Aww, thank you all for the amazing support. I was doing well yesterday but ended up having a cookie!
Draw a line under it and this mornin, woke up with such a boost and motivation.
I will do this, I will look skinny at my wedding! Got some size 12 dresses for when i go home for holiday/ honeymoon, the ultimate motivations. Sticking with 4 packs day. So Today's menu :
Porridge with cinnamon powder,
Banana shake,
Caffe latte shake,
Vanilla shake,

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Your right to draw a line under it and move on V.
Today is another day.
Get yourself back on track and the weight will most definitely drop off.
I did mostly 3 packs and a chicken salad at the beginning as it helped when around others eating their evening meal and I didn't feel left out with just consuming a shake.
Hope you have a great week and get a fab weight loss x x
Sometimes it takes a few false starts (plenty in my case) but you're in the "zone" now hun.
You CAN do it!! x
Sometimes it takes your blip to make you realise how much you want this....

You can do it hun!!!

Today's menu:
Porridge with 2 spoonful of wheat bran and sprinkle of cinnamon powder,
Crispy vanilla shake,
Banana shake,
Caffe latte shake,
3L of water and coffee
Hoping to get into ketosis by Monday.
It's exactly 16 weeks today that I want to be at my mini goal, hoping to lose 4 stones by then.
Very do-able! Fingers crossed!

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Deezer said:
You can do it sweetie....... THINK DRESS!!!!


Thanks babes. I truly believe that anyone can do anything once they put their minds into it. Am going to prove that to myself. ;-))

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v12345 said:
So after my ill spell and putting on around 6 lbs, am back to lose as much as I can by Christmas!
I've got 16 weeks to lose 4 stones, maybe a little bit more.
I must get into that size 12 dress for Christmas.
Doing 4 packs a day and nothing else.

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Lets go for it all the way to Christmas :) x

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Love it. Thanks Hun. It's now my screen saver. Xx

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WillpowerWoman said:
Lets go for it all the way to Christmas :) x

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We certainly will hun. We'll have a skinny Christmas. ;-)

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You can do it hun :)

I've got 8 weeks to get to my goal, soon as I see that 8 flicker on the scales I'll be ready for refeed!

Every faith in you, it gets easier long haul. One week at a time
