V's final weight loss journey to find her slimmer happy self.......

The dog breath had arrived :D:D:D
Can't believe we get excited about this!
But back to work and on nights, feeling so tired and sleepy while writing this.
I want my bed :-:)-(
Roll on first weigh in on Monday!

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Well done hun ... Zzzz I feel you on the tired

Good luck for weigh in :)
Only managed 3 hrs of sleep and back for 3rd 13 hrs night shift! Not looking forward to that :-(
And I've been starving since yesterday! I've had all my 4 packs and some protein as well.
Starving again today! What's going on???????

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I've got a stinking cold!
Feeling sorry for myself. Can't even go home yet untill 7:30am, am aching all over and freezing, and I want my warm bed!

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Scrambled eggs made with water. Can't stomach any shakes today :-(
Feel queasy and sickly, full of cold and sore throat! Not good :':)':)'(
Chicken and salad later n plenty of painkillers and hot coffees and water!
But I want chocolate and buns!!!!!
Poor me :-:)-(

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v12345 said:
Scrambled eggs made with water. Can't stomach any shakes today :-(
Feel queasy and sickly, full of cold and sore throat! Not good :':)':)'(
Chicken and salad later n plenty of painkillers and hot coffees and water!
But I want chocolate and buns!!!!!
Poor me :-:)-(

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Oooh sorry to hear you are not well.
Not nice, snuggle up when u get home, warm bath and tlc for you!!

Get well soon, hugs..

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Get well soon hunny xxx

Cold is the pits!! xx
I've had to come off ketosis! Taking lemsips n warm water with honey and cough meds :':)':)'(
It's not looking good for first proper weigh in on Monday!!!

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I just saw your diary title and we have the same goal! :D I wouldn't mind being a 14 for xmas, but 12 would be amazing!

Sorry you're not feeling well at the mo', hope you feel better really soon! Don' fret about your weigh-in, it's important you're just well! :)
Sexy For Xmas! said:

I just saw your diary title and we have the same goal! :D I wouldn't mind being a 14 for xmas, but 12 would be amazing!

Sorry you're not feeling well at the mo', hope you feel better really soon! Don' fret about your weigh-in, it's important you're just well! :)

Aww, thanks hun. Still feeling sorry for myself with a terrible snotty nose, ear aches, sore throat, cough, cough, cough n frigging asthma playing up now! :':)':)'(

Stick with it Hun, n it really works. We can watch out for each other and motivate each other.

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Hoping to be back on Track tomorrow. Still debating whether to weigh on Monday or leave it until end of month and see if I can reach a near enough 2 stones loss!
Eek! No pressure!

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Hang on if you can till later in the week or the following Monday. No point annoying yourself, you needed the meds

Sure you can hit that minigoal hun Xx
Been to the shop to get more coke zero for tomorrow, and just caught a glimpse of myself in a shop window and I look so very disgustingly fat! Why have I let myself get that that????????

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I pretty much felt the same when I went out today. We are gorgeous works in progress, not disgusting at all. Chin up hunny

RebekahR said:
I pretty much felt the same when I went out today. We are gorgeous works in progress, not disgusting at all. Chin up hunny


Yes we are, Even supermodels have days like that!
Keep taking the meds,met well again then back on track. The diet isn't going anywhere, you need to get better first!

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still feel pants, but trying to cause some damage limitations. still on meds and anti biotics.
and am feeling a tad bit down at minute regarding my weight as i cant get that image (of how horribly disgusting, fat and atrocious i looked in the shop window) out of my head ........
Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon xx
v12345 said:
still feel pants, but trying to cause some damage limitations. still on meds and anti biotics.
and am feeling a tad bit down at minute regarding my weight as i cant get that image (of how horribly disgusting, fat and atrocious i looked in the shop window) out of my head ........

Take it easy hun, get better and the fat blasting can continue

Chin up sweetie Xx
So sorry you're feeling so rough babe xx And it's a well known fact that the camera adds ten pounds and shop windows
add twenty!!!!! So forget that image and look forwrd to the one you'll be admiring every day in the mirror SOON! x