Wales Daily Diary...

Go, Wales... you are almost in those 12s! Great results and great resolve.

Butterfly, I am like you... I have conditioned myself to want to eat at certain times. Am trying to challenge it a bit by waiting an extra half hour! Saw on your thread about CDC saying you need brekky - I agree, I think it really helps to kickstart your body & get it out of 'starve' mode. Hope to join you in a peanut bar soon... just half an hour more!

One of my eating habits is to have my first CD bar of the day, in the afternoon in the car, if i am going out. Especially when OH is driving. I know its just a habit and not a need, because i almost feel a bit twitchy without it, and consciously miss it sometimes! Sad or what...:eek:! xx
12.13 when I first got on the scale, then 13.0, then 12.13 again :D

Day 7 and my CDC is coming round tonight. Dunno what I will weigh in at tonight but am pleased to see the scales move down.

I struggle with breakfast, it just makes me hungry! It is a really long day if I have a shake before I go to work. I guess I could miss my midday tetra, but I prefer to be able to have 2 meals when I get home in an evening as that is the quietest and longest stretch.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Oh WOW!! no, that was definately in the 12's, I'm quite sure!!! Hooray Wales! :D
Big hugs!! xxxxx
Yippee - 13.1 on CDCs scales, so that's 7lbs this first week. Am thrilled to bits with that. I know if I had carried on as I was doing it would've been a couple of lbs on so am pleased just to have stopped that cycle. Am having another SS week, but have ordered the wrong bars, asked for Caramel when I usually have Chocolate. Still they are ok and will do as they are only for a small snack if I feel I need one.

Hope everyone else has had a good day xxx
7lbs!! Fantastic, 1/2 a stone!! Well done! That'll be below 13 in the morning too won't it? You clever girl, you are motivating me to get going again.....xxxx

Just thought, those bars are really yummy if you keep them in the freezer, they last longer too being really chewy.....maybe you've tried that tho'?
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Thanks Bess, it can be done, you, we, me, all of us. Anything is possible. Hope you are having a good evening x
Yay Wales... 7lbs!!! Fab, fab, fab.

Yay Wales, what an amazing loss! You must be thrilled. I sometimes have half a shake/bar mid morning and another half in mid afternoon- just so i can save the two for night time. Doesn't fit in with 'traditional' meal times- but hey, its not traditional food....does it matter? Keep it up! xx
12.13 this morning, but also grumbly tum. Large black coffee and lots of water. Plenty of work to do when I get there, spreadsheets and graphs which I love, so that should keep me distracted. I don't want to lose focus this 2nd week!

Have a good day all x
Yay for you Wales...7lbs is fab! and great to see you doing so well!
I have a spreadsheet as i like to see how my scales fluctuate daily plus its such a change from when i had to work with excel every day at work spent most of my time fiddling with tables of stats....perversely i kind of miss that bit of working in the office...none of the other nonsense that went with it though!
Have a fab day


Loving the 12st 13lb - doesn't it just feel good when you break the next stone barrier. Keep going hun, you are doing so very well and seem so focused and determined. Have a happy day xx
12.13 this morning, but also grumbly tum. Large black coffee and lots of water. Plenty of work to do when I get there, spreadsheets and graphs which I love, so that should keep me distracted. I don't want to lose focus this 2nd week!

In the 12's!!! Yippeee!!! No to losing focus, you won't. I'm being encouraged by you, so you mustn't!! xxxx
Felt dizzy this morning at work, thought it was that my laptop bag was too heavy as I staggered to one side but it continued through the morning. Had my tetra at 9 in case blood sugar was playing up so am starting to feel hungry now. Thought about some green salad and tuna at lunch but there was so much mayo in the tuna I couldn't and I am glad now. Dizziness has gone thank goodness

Spreadsheet work is done and I have produced a very neat little report, I hope it is appreciated at the other end! Only a couple of hours to go, am going to pack up my desk as I am moving offices shortly. Then home for a bar, a coffee and a cuddle with OH - his family dog isn't very well. He has just been round to check up on him and take him for a walk. Poor doggy is in pain, and has a vet apt later this eve. They only lost the other dog earlier last year, so fingers crossed there is something they cam do for him. And super league starts this evening, am ver excited for the start this year, not enough hunks in tight shorts running around over the winter. Something to brighten up the long CD evenings!!

Hope all are having a good day, will have a quick catch upxxx
12.11 this morning, like how the heck? That has made up my mind, I thought about take OH out for dinner after the pictures tonight and I would have a SS+ meal, but no am going to stick to SS as I want to keep this up.

Just having large black coffee and half a frozen caramel bar (as recommended by the brilliant Bess). Then housework, cut OHs hair and then out to the shops for a wee potter and pictures (Sherlock Holmes) early evening. Distraction and plenty of water today. Dizziness hasn't come back today so hopefully that was just a passing thing.

Hope everyone has a great day xxx
12.11 this morning, like how the heck? That has made up my mind, I thought about take OH out for dinner after the pictures tonight and I would have a SS+ meal, but no am going to stick to SS as I want to keep this up.

Just having large black coffee and half a frozen caramel bar (as recommended by the brilliant Bess). Then housework, cut OHs hair and then out to the shops for a wee potter and pictures (Sherlock Holmes) early evening. Distraction and plenty of water today. Dizziness hasn't come back today so hopefully that was just a passing thing.

Hope everyone has a great day xxx

Glad you are feeling better Wales today, congrats on the 12.11, and more especially on sticking to it. We are the same weight now, so I shall keep reading your posts for insipration.....I cut my OH's hair too. Always have, I clip the last bits using the horse clippers, I'm sure the horse doesn't mind!
Hope your dog in law is ok, worrying when they get old isn't it ? - and at the end you miss them so very much.......

I ought to copy your example with housework too, but maybe we'll just start with sticking to the diet! xxx
hey wales
Have a lovely evening, stick with it, you can do it!

Thoroughly enjoyed Sherlock Holmes, OH wasn't impressed but I enjoyed it - nothing too taxing, just a good old romp of a film. And Jude Law is easy on the eye, mind you so too is Robert D-J.

We decided not to have a meal out so it has been another SS day today. Just sitting down to enjoy a choc shake and catch up on some recorded tv programmes.

The in-laws dog is on tablets for his joints, apparently one of his hind leg joints has no cartilidge left, just bone to bone, so no wonder he is in pain. Popped in this evening and his tail is wagging and he limped over for a cuddle - they are going to see how he gets on with this medication. No one wants to see him in pain so fingers crossed it works for him!

Hope everyone has had a good day x
Up early again as OH had overtime shift today, so he was out the door at 6am. Fortunately his dad said he would give him a lift in, so I didn't have to - very much appreciated this morning when it was so cold and frosty outside. But this time I went back to bed and back to sleep which was lovely.

12.9 this morning, is that even possible???

Have a day of washing and ironing today. And starting to think about the garden. Our back garden is a mess, and there is a very small piece of land outside our fenced area that belongs to this house, some previous owners put in a large gate as they tarmaced the area to park a minibus. We have taken up the tarmac, and I want to have the gate removed and fencing put up to include the small area - this will give us a slightly bigger area and is also a chance to make the back more private and make it nice for the summer as it is a real suntrap. So will get out my big bumper gardening book for some inspriation, before I call the fencing man next month.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday x