Wales Daily Diary...

Arrrgh, just lost my message. Darn my tired eyes...

You are sensible and correct ;)

Am moving up to 1200 from tomorrow. Will use up my CD products and see what I get on 1200, by doing it properly.

You know they didn't even weigh me this time at the clinic, that is unheard of. And I had some jeans on today that I haven't been able to wear since New Year. I don't want to lose this good feeling, so 1200 it is.

Thank you lovely Mini sweetnesses.

That sounds like a really good idea, you haven't much to lose really and the treatment is far more important isn't it? xxx :)
Bess said it... it's lovely, and exciting, and our fingers toes & eyes are all crossed for you. Have a ovely, lazy day.

Small lie in until 8am which was fab, then breakfast with the family at a lovely little cafe in Pontefract - poached eggs on toast with a sausage and lots of tea. Then have had CD shake and chicken salad for dinner. Will have some fruit for pud.

Did a little clothes shopping this aft, I bought a new zip up sporty top in Nike, well, it is a mans one, but I had to get a small, like wowzer I have never bought anything in a small ever. I tried a med on but it was huge, and even the small is too big in places but is a slim fit so looks great. Small - yippee! I also bought a couple of tops in Monsoon in a 14 - hehe. And tried on some clothes in Mango, which fit, but I am the wrong body type I think for Mango, the clothes just don't look right. But they did fit!

We don't get any support from the ivf unit about diet. I am doing some on line research - they mainly say fresh organic food, no bad fats and no processed food and no alcohol - which is how I mainly eat (just too much) apart from the booze, which I have more of less knocked on the head anyway. I just need portion control. Which is why 1200-1500 done correctly should be fine for me.

And I am starting walking again. Going to my mums tomorrow and we are taking the dog out for a long walk along the river. We are doing Race for Life again this year, and last year had some lovely walks preparing for it. Hope it is not too rainy and misty tomorrow.

And Super League has started again, hurrah hunky men in short shorts. Just the tonic for cold weekends!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Have a fab walk tomorrow... and well done on the size small! 1200-1500 sounds perfect & should have you looking & feeling great. Yay!

I had walking boots for Christmas, lovely green, (I love green shoes!) haven't actually got them dirty yet, but plan to soon.
Your meals sounded wonderful to me, can't wait to move up the plans. Do keep recording things Wales, it all helps me get to grips with it this time. Enjoy your walk, hope the sun shines.

Guess who found a Boden gilet in a charity shop then? Startling colours, a pretty soft red with an orange :eek: lining......but the horse won't mind!! :)
Lots of books too, including A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian....and a new jigsaw.

All the family will be home tomorrow :D. Happy me. :)
Tractors in Ukrainian is fab, but I LOVED the next one, Two Caravans. Just gorgeous. The gilet sounds great, well done!

Um, ok, Ukranian Tractors not heard of that one, is it one to add to my wish list? And the gilet sounds gorgeous, very on trend clashing colours of red and pink don't you know.
I read RFL as Rugby Football League, and whilst I watch I certainly don't take part I might wash them down after, if they asked nicely ;)

Then dur for me, realised Race for Life - which I am completing with my mum. So the walk today was the start of our training together as we will walk it, with perhaps a small run across the finish line.

Training today didn't go too well, as I got a blister from my boots. Long story but friend gave them to me last year and they were a little small, but my feet shrunk half a size on CD so tried them again today, but I drove for an hour in them first and I think that contributed to the blister. Mind you we were still out for an hour, in the fog and cold and soggy fields. The dog was not impressed that we did the long tour - don't know who was more pleased to get home her or us!

Food ok today
Break - shake & cereal
Lunch - chicken, green salad, 1 tomato, pitta bread
Oops - Hot cross bun, piece of ginger cake
Supper - will be shake

Two of my cousins have both become engaged recently, both have been with their other halfs for quite a few years. So we will have a wedding in Surrey, probably in June. Yippee as there were some lovely dresses in Monsoon outlet yesterday v.v.v cheap, will have to go on a recce.

Then other cousin is getting married next April, but in Melbourne! Big conversations to be had as to whether we can afford to go, will treatment have been successful so will we be in a position to go money issues aside. I have been to Australia twice, once for a year on a working holiday and then a few years later for a catch up. But has been 10 years since the last time. OH has never been so it would be wonderful to go. Mind is whiring with plans!

Hope everyone has had a good Sunday xx
Just caught up on your diary, excellent news about your IVF treatment and excellent about your 11lb weightloss too.... fingers crossed that the 1200-1500 works out well for you and is doable too...
Exciting time ahead Wales! Lovely, all good things for you I feel. xxxxx
Eek I hope so. A little diversion last night, a banana and a yoghurt and a small glass of wine, just the one small one that took an hour to drink, wow, small steps. It just seemed normal, hey will take that.

Shake for breakfast, tetra for lunch with lashings of water and peppermint tea. Might have some fruit later but there was only melon in the canteen and I am not a big fan.

When I get home tonight I AM going to get the treadmill set up and I AM going to go for a walk on it. Oh yes.

Hope everyone has a great day x
Hmmm, didn't set the treadmill up so ergo couldn't use it. Have struggled with feeling hungry as I start to reintroduce food up to 1200. And I am so, so tired. Driving home tonight my eyes were almost closed. Last night was asleep from 9, and it won't be long before I am away tonight.

Weight is up a few lbs. Not too worried, a little frustrated but keeping everything in perspective.

I really need to sit down and plan some proper days menus, I am measuring and counting but not planning, which is what I need.

Ho hum, my eyes are drooping as I type, so will finish this decaf coffee and then head up to bed.

Hope everyone is keeping well, just quiet, but well xxx
Hi Wales, hope you fell better today!
Have a good one, planning ahead really helps i find!
Hi Wales... hope you have a great day today! Very quiet on the threads, where is everyone?

I think planning is essential, it is very hard when you dont know what you are going to eat..... I definately think planning is the way to go if you want to stay on track. I found the 1000 plan hard last time and the 1200, was quite happy once on the 1500....
Hmmm, didn't set the treadmill up so ergo couldn't use it. Have struggled with feeling hungry as I start to reintroduce food up to 1200. And I am so, so tired. Driving home tonight my eyes were almost closed. Last night was asleep from 9, and it won't be long before I am away tonight.

Weight is up a few lbs. Not too worried, a little frustrated but keeping everything in perspective.

I really need to sit down and plan some proper days menus, I am measuring and counting but not planning, which is what I need.

Ho hum, my eyes are drooping as I type, so will finish this decaf coffee and then head up to bed.

Hope everyone is keeping well, just quiet, but well xxx

You ok Wales? Hope you are less tired today. You are doing fine I think, your remark about keeping everything in perspective is just right. xx
Okish day. Days are fine, evenings I am huuuungry. I think it is that I am on CD only during the day and having a meal at night just switches on the hunger monsters. Am going to mix it up a little tomorrow. Take some fruit into work, maybe start to have porridge again for brekkie. See how I get on with that.

Am quite tired again today, not as bad as yesterday. Today was a lovely bright day and still light when I left work. I think that really makes a difference with me.

Have had a pain in my lower right back for a couple of days. Thought it might be digestive related, but then perhaps ovulation pain, but is still there so hoping it isn't kidneys again. I have been really chugging water for these last few weeks, so have reduced today to just two litres, including teas. I had a nasty kidney infection in Sept and do not want a repeat. Nothing else suggests it is kidneys. It could be the fact that I have moved offices and don't have a permanent desk - I keep hopping from one to another, sometimes on my laptop, sometimes on someone elses desktop - I can't adjust chairs that belong to someone else as it annoys the c*@p out of me if someone does that to me. So it could be a little back pain from being uncomfortable.

We booked our tickets for Romeo and Juliet, it is the Northern Ballet Company who perform at Leeds Grand. Am really looking forward to it. They had an except of the Matthew Bourne Swan Lake within a dance show they have on BBC1 at the moment, and the small piece they did was so creative and looked very special.

And it is Friday tomorrow, yippee. We are visiting family and friends this weekend with an evening soiree planned in Whitby on Saturday night. Anyone else got anything planned??

Am inspired by the rest of y'all, turning up and giving all this support to everyone. 'tis fab.