water challenge anyone?!


Gold Member
Hi Everyone,
When I was last on here I started a water challenge which many people got involved with, I am restarting this and wondered if anyone would like to join me?
I aim to drink 3 litres a day which I am hoping will replace the cups of coffee I drink each day (usually about 7!!) I have heard so many positive things about water boosting weightloss but also making the skin look healthier, has anyone seen good results by drinking lots of water?
Goodness 3 litres? I have aimed for 2 on a good day oops. I find I do better while at work and not so good on my four days off but I agree it makes me feel better and sometimes hunger is confused with dehydration. It sure is good for you. I will aim to drink as much as I can so am in x
2 litres is a good aim! I really need to reduce the amount of caffine I have so the only way is to replace it with water, I sit at a desk all day or I am in meetings so plan in taking water with me everywhere to avoid the coffee. I look forward to hearing how you get on :)
Has this thread been moved or did I put it here?? confused!
Well I did 3 litres of water yesterday and had half a litre so far this morning... although I have also had 2 cups of tea, should have just had more water really but you cant beat a cup of tea whilst watching sunday morning tv :)