We can do it!!!


Silver Member
Hey guys! Started Day 1 today Got a box of porridge delivered during d wk Was goin 2 wait til 2moro 2 start but no time like d present!!! WEighed in as 11-4 3/4 this mornin Crikey!! Want to get down to 10 stone as clothes fit better Feel like a barrel at d mo Here's 2a 100% TS wk

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You can do it love, bring it on!!! and good luck
Ok Day 1 done Had xtra bar today Will try harder 2 stick 2 three meals tomoro Gluggin water as I type Decaf coffee and bouillon helped me get thro today Hopin d distraction of work for d next 5 days will help distract me 4m d symptoms of ketosis Fingers crossed Gud Luck to those Startin tomoro Well done to those on d plan

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Day 2 almost done Had porridge for bfast, porridge for lunch, a large mug of bouillon Then made buns for my kids and ended out havin a few so am downin lots of water since Wont make Dat mistake again !! Ketosis won't happen if I'm not 100% Will try harder tomoro Hopin my appetite disappears like urs Harry

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Hi, try to stick to the plan....its worth it trust me hun, u can do this :)
Yer right Just made it harder 4 myself by having d temptation under my nose. Startin again tomoro Temptation gone now Hurray Lesson learnt Ta 4 words of wisdom D sooner I get into ketosis d better :))

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Mornin all Got a lower brace on yday so should find it easier 2 stick 2 3 sachets a day as I'm quite restricted 2 what I can eat Dont want dem 2 break as its a big hassel findin d time 2 make d journey 2 d Orthodentist Will weigh in 2moro Not expecting much as slipped off d plan durin d wk Fell 4 d usual diet mentality of feast b4 famine so had a blow out d day b4 gettin my braces on

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Aww don't worry about the feast :p good luck x
Weighed in as 11st 11/2 lbs so down 31/4lbs Cud've been a lot better if I hadn't d slip but sure Tis water under d bridge now Onwards and downwards Have a gud wk everyone!!

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