ProPoints Wedding bod here I come

yea id be the same tbh.
I hope to get the book tomorrow and il post some recipes that I think ye might like with the pp on it. I downloaded the book onto my kindle for free99 ages ago but never think of using it so I think I may aswell get the book. il make use of it more that way hehehe
I wanted curry for my weeklies so I made the thai curry with naans and stuff on Saturday so I think this week il go for something Italian like a nice pasta dish or something
yea id be the same tbh.
I hope to get the book tomorrow and il post some recipes that I think ye might like with the pp on it. I downloaded the book onto my kindle for free99 ages ago but never think of using it so I think I may aswell get the book. il make use of it more that way hehehe
I wanted curry for my weeklies so I made the thai curry with naans and stuff on Saturday so I think this week il go for something Italian like a nice pasta dish or something

Oooo Italian sounds good! I love it with a nice Foccaccia mmmmm! X
yea have to wait a whole week now I was going mad because I have done so well this week but sure il just have to wait now.
Talk was good tho at the meeting. It was all about making the right choices and just simply saying no. She was talking about the guilty feeling you get after eating something you shouldn't and is it really worth it?
i know that feeling,used to get that every time I opened my mouth! Xx
yeap same here hehehe still doesn't stop me though....god damn it il never get the hang of it although im getting so much better thank god. She was also talking about rewarding yourself with food. before ww If I went out running or worked out in the gym I used to go home and eat everything in sight because I "earned it" but when I joined ww I got such a shock when I saw that a 10k run only earns me 4pp I was shocked
yeap same here hehehe still doesn't stop me though....god damn it il never get the hang of it although im getting so much better thank god. She was also talking about rewarding yourself with food. before ww If I went out running or worked out in the gym I used to go home and eat everything in sight because I "earned it" but when I joined ww I got such a shock when I saw that a 10k run only earns me 4pp I was shocked

I always say it takes me 20mins to earn 2AP but I can eat them in 20secs! I just always think to myself now, 'I am not a dog, I will not reward myself with food!' X
yea exactly what I say. now I reward myself with a nice bubble bath or a magazine or painting my nails etc Its defo one of the main things iv learned from ww
yea exactly what I say. now I reward myself with a nice bubble bath or a magazine or painting my nails etc Its defo one of the main things iv learned from ww

I seem to reward myself with Dresses, oops! X
So I'm nothing if not a copy cat so I've downloaded both hairy biker e-books onto my phone.
totally love loads of tHem. Thinking a nice carbonara wud be nice at work sat nite. :D
So I'm nothing if not a copy cat so I've downloaded both hairy biker e-books onto my phone.
totally love loads of tHem. Thinking a nice carbonara wud be nice at work sat nite. :D

As long as you both don't grow beards like them ;-) x
Hehe... oh you've ruined my plans! :D

I treat myself with clothes! :D
Hehe... oh you've ruined my plans! :D

I treat myself with clothes! :D

Clothes are a fab choice! You'll have to surprise us in another way ;-) x
Yay brona we can have a hairy cookoff whoop whoop
Goin to the doctors to get bloods done boo to that
Yay brona we can have a hairy cookoff whoop whoop
Goin to the doctors to get bloods done boo to that

Are u ok Ciara? Is it about your Low Iron? X I think I need to get my eyes tested, I just totally read something else other than cookoff lol x
Or maybe you should get your mind cleaned out cuz its filthy lol
Yea jst the iron levels again god when will they ever get sorted
Or maybe you should get your mind cleaned out cuz its filthy lol
Yea jst the iron levels again god when will they ever get sorted

Fingers Crossed they sort it soon. I need Flash and Cif lol ;-) x
Bleach maybe lol

Was v tired today had no go in me at all but I get dats like that with low iron.
I was very proud of myself though as I would normally go nuts and have lots of chocolate but I stayed so strong and told myself its not gonna do me any good by having some.
I then managed to go running I did a 10k run but walked once during it but again I was very pleased I even went out in the first place. I earned 3ap.
I had chilli for dins and made a side plate of veg for myself as the rice doesnt fill me really.
I have been trying to stay away from the rubbish and eating clean but tonight I needed something sweet so I had a curly wurly 3pp and a packet of velvet crunch 2pp
I sat on my backside then and watched breaking bad and dexter
Hope everyone had a good day xXx
Good day hon considering you wernt feeling it.
I wasn't feeling it either today. Just really tired and all I want is c**p.... Really gona have to think bout how to spend weeklies this week as it needs to hit a lot of spots! :)
Yea im the same hun I want sweet things and im also craving a bit of stodge duno what to have. I was lookin through the hairy dieters book but nothing that I fancy this weekend. Have you tried that jolly restaurant in naas yet?we are thinking of trying it soon. Not this weekend though maybe the night before we fly out

In a different centre today hope I get on ok. I won't be back on here til later tonight so I hope everyone has a good day
Bleach maybe lol

Was v tired today had no go in me at all but I get dats like that with low iron.
I was very proud of myself though as I would normally go nuts and have lots of chocolate but I stayed so strong and told myself its not gonna do me any good by having some.
I then managed to go running I did a 10k run but walked once during it but again I was very pleased I even went out in the first place. I earned 3ap.
I had chilli for dins and made a side plate of veg for myself as the rice doesnt fill me really.
I have been trying to stay away from the rubbish and eating clean but tonight I needed something sweet so I had a curly wurly 3pp and a packet of velvet crunch 2pp
I sat on my backside then and watched breaking bad and dexter
Hope everyone had a good day xXx

Well Done for resisting the urge to eat your body weight in chocolate! Velvet Crunch & Curly Wurly sounds very restrained, you go girl! Hope u get on ok in the different centre today.x
Well what a day I am exhausted

All the girls at the centre were lovely and made ne feel very welcome. The kids were very good and took to me well.
One kid had an accident on me and I had to borrow clothes off one of the staff :(
Anyway that was grand I didn't mind.
I finished at 5 and wanted to go to the gym. It took me an hour to get to the gym when it should of only been 25mins. Feckn traffic was crazy. I missed the first class I wanted to go to but I made it in time for insanity. I earned 7ap yay.
Then couldn't find my keys anywhere looked everywhere and where were they??still in the ignition silly silly me lucky nobody stole the car.
Was delighted when I came home and Graham had the dinner on and had made biscotti from the hairy dieters book. They are 1pp each here is a pic

He also made a 0pp garlic sauce to have with the baby potatoes for dins.
He also took all the clothes and put them away and unloaded the dishwasher.
So all that made my day all better again

I have 7pp left duno what im gona have biscotti anyway lol


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