Wednesday Weigh In anyone?

Lots of vodka is not the answer unless I'm immune to it lol x

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Hi all best of luck tomorrow. After my long weekend my mam n sister arrived as a surprise today ladened with goodies and wine. Sweet divine, it's WI tomorrow. Will have to give up for this week and get back in to it Thursday :)
Sounds fun though! We all need a day or two off from time to time x

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Good luck tomorrow everyone. I dont have good feelings at all about it, I'll be very chuffed ifI sts after losing 4lbs last week. Someone evil brought cheesecake, lemon drizzle cake, carrot cake AND krispy kreme doughnuts to the bbq i went to. Eeevil!
Good luck for tomorrow everyone :grouphugg: I will check in after work to see all the fab losses including my own I hope lol x
Oh dear me! I've been BAD!!!! Bad Bad Bad! Been away for a couple fo days on a bit of a walking trip, only did about 4 miles each day, yet managed to eat half of Whitby's supply of ice cream and chinese food. Hmmm. I really need a kick up the bum and to stop being do easily led! What a silly billy! On a plus note, the walks were great fun and I can't wait for my son's hiking boots to dry (he (14) fell in the river...was V funny!) so we can go again. Woo, finally an activity we can enjoy together! Yay!
Good luck to all!

Well done Jemma! It's so amazing how much u have lost!!

I STS and am chuffed xx
Well done, nice start to the day!

Totm has arrived for me so no hope now :(

Good luck to everyone else xx

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the gain has gone from last week. had some medical stuff going on so I'm happy with that, havent been able to exercise let alone do daily activity. hopefully meds ive been given will help me turn the corner :) still 1lb to the 50lb mark.
Woooooohhhooooo.... I've lost 3.5lb! So chuffed-I've never lost that much weight in one week before!! :) yeay!!

Monday 25th July....the summer fitness as health regime starts!!!!
I only had 8weeklies left after I finished last night though and before I lost nothing if I ate them all-very strange!! Looking at my tracker though-I hardly ate any bread...only ate one bagel and one and a half slices of toast!! Could be that!! x

Monday 25th July....the summer fitness as health regime starts!!!!
-1lb for me :)
3lb off!! 3rd Silver 7 and into the 11's!! Yay xx
2lb off!! 3rd Silver 7 and into the 11's!! Yay xx
Oops. Really 2lb. Not 3. Got carried away.....
Well done on losses so far and good luck later weighers xx