Wednesday Weigh In

Thanks! i pleased with myself that i have lost a stone, was just this morning after wi i was a bit like, big wow 1/2lb! but a loss is a loss no matter how big or small & all them 1/2lbs add up! xx
I lost 1.5lb today. Another 2lb to go to get to the top part of my goal.
Well done everyone who WI today, and lost, and those who sts!
Well done everyone for their losses. I lost 1.5lb and I'm so pleased. That's 8.5lb in five weeks and I'm really hoping that I can keep this rate up so that I'll lose 1.5 stone in total by the end of July when we go on holiday. At the moment my figure still looks pretty much the same, but another stone should make a difference and I won't be so embarrassed on the beach.
Hi All

I can't believe it I have lost 5lb this week.... I am shocked.
Happy is not the word, I beefed up my exercise this week more walking and cycle rides.

I hope all done well this week , if not stick with it you will win.!!

Phil x
2lbs for me, and thats a start.

roll on next week woohoo !
I lost 1lb this week :D
well done everyone :)

Well my third weigh in today and I lost 6.5lb :D - I also got SOTW and now only need to lose 1.5lb for my stone - so aiming for that next week

Good luck for next week everyone xx
Woohoo everyone! Great losses! I lost 2.5lb and was really really pleased - that's the 2.5 I gained last week!

Now....I've got 4 more weigh ins before I go to America and really really want to lose 6lb. I'm going to have to be angelic the next 4 weeks!