Wednesday Weighers...

Hi all

Lost 1.5lbs so back into my 1st stone and extra half now so upwards and onwards for me i hope :)
2 lbs off this week, less than I was hoping for.

I had a virtuous week, ran 3 times, cycled for 12 miles, and went on a nature walk on another day and only lost 2 lbs, whereas the week before I only did sw 5 days out of 7 and lost 1.5 lbs. O'well, it's 2 lbs off! I never go hungry, so I have to think of it that way and not try to rush the weight off as that's where it goes wrong!

My first week & I lost 7 Yippee!!!
I do have alot to lose tho so was expecting a biggy this week :)
Well doen everyone else !!!

Oh & How do I add a half stone flag to my profile :)
