Weds Hour x Hour

Blonde Logic

Yes. You can.
Morning all.

Hey Katie - hope you are not too sore this morning - sleep has a way of bringing out the aches and pains of a fall sometimes.

Hope everyone else is doing good.

I am staying in today - had a rough night. Been having a few heart to hearts with my DH about what may lie ahead with me neck, what it's like now, things that I will need to change in order to protect it, etc., etc., and we both tossed and turned all night. Now I can barely hold my head up. Learnt that a good night sleep is as good as a codeine in some ways. Also very constipated by teh codeine. Doc did give me alternative meds, but I was reluctant to take at work not knowing how they would react, so will try them today.

Anyhoo. Hope you all have a great day. :)
Sorry to hear you had such a crappy night, lack of sleep really is a killer - hope you're feeling better now and that the pain is less and painkillers are all kicked in.

They are going to have to do something with you, really can't leave you like that.

I'm still sore on my right shoulderblade, fine apart from that though thanks :)