Week 3..I give up!


Full Member
After doing SW previously and doing OK, then after losing 4 stone on Orlistat, then having a baby....I turned back to SW to help me shift the 2 stone I have to lose to get me back to where I was. So tonight I go to WI....

Week 1 - I lost 2lb...was disappointed
Week 2 - I lost 1lb...again was not happy
Week 3 - Tonight I STS

I have followed the plan 100%, so nearly cried when my figure came up on the screen!

Really feel like giving up!!!!

Is anyone else struggling?
Kate I am the same, first week was happy, the past 2 weeks been gutted! But this week (weighed tonight) I was just happy not to have gained as I had a big night out Friday night & drank a lot :D Gonna push on though, as at least it is going in the right direction. Like you I have been sticking to it 100% Even fri night had saved up my weeks syns for drinks. It is so disheartening though, just wish it was quicker. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing it all right? I am a bridesmaid for a friend in August was hoping to have a good bit of the weight gone, but if I'm only doing 0.5lbs a week it's not looking good LOL! Keep going with it, we will turn a corner (fingers crossed) x
dont get upset overall they are still good losses its a healthy lifestyle for life and doing a lifestyle diet some people lose slower i have had a number of weeks lately where i am hovering around the same few lb i try not to let it bother me

maybe keep a food diary to see if you are tripping yourself up at all and up the excercise and water and try to just snack on superfree between meals to see if it helps
Thanks Ladies, I am going to try a week of the more traditional red and green and see how that goes x
Let us know how you get on Kate, cos the first time I followed SW I did mainly red days and the results were fantastic, the second time I signed up I did the EE plan as advised and the weight loss was either excruciatingly slow or non-existent! I've just begun following the EE plan at home again, to see if I lose any quicker than I did at group although I do suspect the carbs might slow my weight loss down.
Keep the faith, cos as they say, together we CAN do this! :) x
was going to say the same, try red or green, it gave me a boost when the same was happening to me good luck
I feel your pain too. Been doing the plan for 4 weeks and have lost 6.5lbs. This week was the first I didn't have any birthdays or meals out and I stuck rigidly to plan ... and gained 2lbs! I'm really fed up, can't blame * week and feel like giving up. I'm pleased for others with great losses every week but wish it could be me for once!
when i started sw i said if i lost a pound a week i would be happy i have had at the most a 3 and a half loss and one stay the same otherwise it has been one or two pound a week sofar week nine and have lost one stone 2lb, try not to be disappointed if it comes of slower im hoping it stays off, Try to keep positive well done on your weight loss so far and Good Luck :)
Hi. Don't give up!

I was a memeber since October 2011 - February 2012 and only lost 11.5lbs because my last 2 months or so I was gaining 1-2lbs and losing only 0.5lb. I decided to give up as I couldn't be bothered anymore.

17 weeks later I noticed a difference in myself, I then re-joined and put a stone back on! Was gutted:(

I re-joined 4 weeks ago and have never felt better! Lost just under half a stone in 4 weeks but I am really happy, feel better this time.

Just don't give up:) worst thing I done, but there again it put me back on track.