Weekly weigh-in thread

I think my little loss was down to being ill and sitting around, but eating the same!
I have stayed the same this week which I am pleased about but I am only starting low carbing today so hopefully a good result next week!

Well done everyone! xx
sukie, this is what U have lost, hunni. 1 pound of fat!!! Is alot hunni, no need to be sad. wOOFY x
lol trust you to put it into perspective so well woof,
im not sad with the loss its the totm and its only been 5 days so its an up from last week , im just super hormonal :0)
TT lover - - 1
sue(sun) - - 5
Woof - - - -1.5
sukiesue--- -1.0 :cry:(totm)(hence the aggresive mood , more hormonal really :0))
Sarah_P -- 1

Well done everyone! I have lost 1lb since Monday, so quite happy with that. Hopefully it will be more by my official WI on Monday.

I love that 1lb of fat picture. I am making a poster and sticking one of those on every time I lose 1lb. It's going to be a very big poster by the time I have finished. It lives inside the food cupboard with all of the evil food! :D
Put me down for a pound since Monday. I'm really dissappointed with that. Now my new boots have just arrived and they don't fit BOO HOO I'm having a real horrible friday 13th :(

TT lover - - 1
sue(sun) - - 5
Woof - - - -1.5
sukiesue--- -1.0 :cry:(totm)(hence the aggresive mood , more hormonal really :0))
Sarah_P -- 1
Tracy - - 1
I have scales back so will weigh in the monring. Eeeeeeeek.
Good luck for tomorrow Rela.

1lb for me too - slightly disappointing but fell off wagon yesterday so fair enough. Hoping some of that is glycogen. Plus that's 5lbs in two weeks so here's to a visit from the Whoosh Fairy next week :D

TT lover - - 1
sue(sun) - - 5
Woof - - - -1.5
sukiesue--- -1.0 :cry:(totm)(hence the aggresive mood , more hormonal really :0))
Sarah_P -- 1
Tracy - - 1
Karenlou -- -1
143.8lbs so thats what? 1.6lbs different from last week. No whoosh just yet.
TT lover - - 1
sue(sun) - - 5
Woof - - - -1.5
sukiesue--- -1.0 :cry:(totm)(hence the aggresive mood , more hormonal really :0))
Sarah_P -- 1
Tracy - - 1
Karenlou -- -1
Rela: -1.6lbs
:party0011:Great weigh-in girls :party0011:




Heres to another Great week!!

Woofy X
TT lover - - 1
sue(sun) - - 5
Woof - - - -1.5
sukiesue--- -1.0 :cry:(totm)(hence the aggresive mood , more hormonal really :0))
Sarah_P -- 1
Tracy - - 1
Karenlou -- -1
Rela: -1.6lbs
Demaris -1LB (I'm pleased, refeed after lipotrim and I didnt gain :) )
So between us we've lost a stone in one week!!!!!!!!! WE ROCK!!!! :D
- 1lb today.. cant complain after what it was over the weekend though.

Onwards and downwards anyway.. wouldnt mind some whooshing next week please. :D
A pound is a pound Rach. Well done love.
Thanks Jim. xx
well done rach xxx
So are we excited about tomorrow? I can tell you now I've either stuck or gained as had a shocking week, it started with the valentines meal out...then some accidental ch*c on monday, then wednesday I barely drank any water, today I had fishcakes at Uni only to find out they had potato in afterwards (which I abruptly told the lady was NOT mentioned in list of ingredients!!!!!!!) whats the point in scraping stuff out of breadcrumbs if its gonna have potato in it grrrrrrrrrr. Anyway....so there LOL