Weight loss buddies?


Full Member
Hi everyone: ) Ive been browsing through the forum and there are quite a few buddies on the other diets, just wondering if anyone here has found a buddy system helpful or is something anyone else is interested in? x <3​

What does a buddy do? Sorry if silly question lol :) I'm sure I could go for some support though if that's what it's about!
I was thinking maybe a whatsapp group or something so its easy to get quick support if youre about to fall off the wagon? Unless theres another suggestion? Buddys would just be there for you when youre feeling low or re motivate you i guess! <3
I'd be up for that. Would be good to have some say 'no don't do it' ! Lol

Yes exactly thats the idea behind it lol.. so whoevers interested private message me your mobile numbers and ill make the group add can then add anyone else whos interested? Or any other suggestion idm.