Weight loss slowing down


Silver Member
I've been on Xenical for about 2 months now and it was great to begin with but even though I'm be really careful with my diet, I've hardly lost at all for the last two weeks and it's really demoralising. Has anyone else had a stage like this when they're not losing and can anyone offer any advice?:(
I don't know yet but I right behind you in my journey. I have been on Xenical for 2 months and 4 days exactly. I weighed in on Tues and had lost a total of 15lbs in that 2 months. I'm fairly pleased with that. The doctor told me that it is common for the weight loss to slow down on Xenical after a couple of months so not to expect the same results. I felt hopeless after hearing that but hey - it means it's not your fault!!! I've turned it into a bit of a challenge to prove him wrong at my next weigh in on April 24th and so I am doing a cardio workout just for 15 mins in the morning for a metabolism kick start. I also off bread. I guess sometimes we just need to change the angle a wee bit to spurt our bodies into action. But I'd love to check in with you in a few weeks here and compare notes. I'm sure there is a way around this for us Xenical dieters! :)
Everyone hits a plateau at some point - from personal experience - I know how annoying upsetting and demoralising it can be!

But you need to keep going it'll catch up eventually and your see a fab loss - are you exercising. Oils you change/increase/begin working out?! X
Hi, Yes it would be lovely to check in with each other to see how we both get on. It's funny because at the beginning I would be strict all week but have a bit of a 'blow out' on a saturday night & then just be stricter on the Sunday again but for the last couple of weeks I've been so strict and haven't come off plan at all and yet the weight loss has pretty much dried up! I'm going to have a little bit of what I fancy tonight and just be extra strict tomorrow onwards and see if that bump starts my loss again. I haven't really been consistent with exercising so I'll try your idea too and hopefully that will help.
Mizkirsty don't want to be a thread hog... being Alison's thread and all -
but have you certain things that you have found have worked for you when you have hit a plateau in the past?
Everyone hits a plateau at some point - from personal experience - I know how annoying upsetting and demoralising it can be!

But you need to keep going it'll catch up eventually and your see a fab loss - are you exercising. Oils you change/increase/begin working out?! X

It has got me down this last week, when I was losing consistently I felt really strong and like I could do this forever but now the loss has dried up it all feels so much harder again and I know I wouldn't feel like that if I was still losing. I need to sort out my exercise regime ( or lack of ) and hopefully that'll help.
Yeah I'd like to ask the same, MizKirsty about how you've managed to get past a weight loss plateau, any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I keep thinking what if I stay like this for the next month or two!
Changing things up a bit - are you both calorie counting - I usually do Sw but counting ATM to switch it up and I've changed my exercise routine and that's helping.

If your counting could you up or lower your calories for a week and see if that switches up your metabolic rate?!

Plenty of water - this will also seen odd but I loose better when I take a multi vit! I also take green tea with acai in the morning too!

I have to admit that I don't calorie count at the mo although I may need to begin. Typically in a day I'll have either 2 wholemeal toast scraped with marg and marmite or an oat so simple sachet made with semi milk and a small sliced banana on top. At lunch time usually a wrap or sandwich with wafer thin ham and salad but no marg and then some grapes or a banana. Then in the evening I'll have a homemade chilli, curry etc (all made very low fat with small amount of chicken or extra lean steak mince) or a cooked dinner with chicken, mounds of veggies and small amounts of potatoes. During the day I have coffees made with semi skimmed and lots of diet lemonade (not the healthiest drinks!)
Have a look at www.myfitnesspal.com it's a free site for calorie & fat counting. I can't see how much you've both lost as I'm on my phone & it doesn't show but if you don't have much to lose it'll slow quicker. I luckily haven't hit my plateau yet but I still have just over three & a half stone to go. There is always the chance you're not eating enough. You have to eat 1200 cals or your body goes in to starvation mode x
You may actually find your not eating enough even - you should really be eating 1200 cals a day min! And by the sounds of it your breakfast and lunch is the same everyday - this can sometimes slow you metabolism - just try switching it up and see how it goes :) x
Lol Lexie great minds ;) x
As already said, the dreaded plateau comes to us all eventually. So far I have been on Xen for 3 months and lost every week, even if it's just a pound. I regularly review my calorie allowance on mfp, and have adjusted it down as I've lost the weight. I think uping exercise should help too. Everyone is different, so it will be trial and error to find what works best for yourself. My mfp was set to lose 1lb a week. I started with an allowance around 1500cals which has dropped to 1330cals as I've lost weight. I've always lost at least 1lb a weeks, sometimes 2, 3, or even 4lbs. Some people have found setting their mfp to 2lbs per week seemed to slow their weightloss rather than speed it up. I'd be more likely to feel hungry and struggle at that setting. Others have had great success at that level. Mix things up abit, see what happens
Thanks girls for all your advice :) I started on Saturday night by coming off the diet for the evening, I had a calorie counted ready meal but then treated myself to 4 of those soft cookies you buy in supermarket bakeries (my fave treat) and a couple of vodka and diet lemonades. I also went swimming Sunday and Monday and did a lot of walking yesterday. I had a sneaky jump on the scales this morning and it's already showing a loss of 3 lbs since Saturday so it appears I'm back on track thankfully. Don't know if it's just a coincidence but I intend to have a treat night every Saturday night and just be strict the rest of the time and I like to think it's that which has jump started my metabolism. I'm also going to check the amount of cals I'm eating as maybe I'm not having enough.
That is brilliant! I'm taking notes!

I think I have lost 1lb but I'll see in a few days if that's for sure or not! I am probably consuming between 700-1000 kcals a day and I don't eat breakfast, never have. It seems I need to address that (it's frustrating me as well). I went for an 8 mile walk on Sunday but not much since as my shoulders were killing me from some push ups! Feeling a bit arggghhh...
That is brilliant! I'm taking notes!

I think I have lost 1lb but I'll see in a few days if that's for sure or not! I am probably consuming between 700-1000 kcals a day and I don't eat breakfast, never have. It seems I need to address that (it's frustrating me as well). I went for an 8 mile walk on Sunday but not much since as my shoulders were killing me from some push ups! Feeling a bit arggghhh...

Firstly I have to say well done for the loss and then you are fit! There is no way on Earth I'd be able to walk 8 miles right now without killing myself lol, I do between one and one and a half hours swimming but I have to stop every now and then for a breather. 700 to 1000 kcals sounds low, I have no idea how many cals I have but I'm going to work it out today. Do you struggle with feeling hungry? I was starving at work yesterday and quite often I go to bed hungry but I've learnt I'll still sleep even if I'm starving as pre-diet I'd often have a snack before bed. With regards to brekkie maybe you could compromise by having a late brekkie at 10am or something? I'm taking the kiddies away for the Easter weekend so I'm going to have to be extra careful. We're doing it on a budget so need to take fixings for meals down with us in the car boot and at the moment I have no idea what to take lol
Thanks. To be honest my legs nearly gave way on the driveway afterwards as I walked to the front door, which was interesting in the psychological sense as I hadn't noticed my legs feeling tired. But I couldn't go jogging it would be my lungs giving way! I do have a dog so it helps looking at his smiley happy face when walking. I do feel pretty hungry and emotional lately - I will try and eat something earlier like you suggest even if it's something easy like grapes. And my meals have consisted of rice, fish, veggies, salad and the odd bit of ham and thats the extent of what I eat so I might shake it up a little like you have as you've done amazingly well. I guess it's a bit catch 22 because I try to eat less to lose more but it makes it harder to shift anything! I miss swimming a lot. I am learning to drive at the moment but I should get myself on the bus and go enjoy that. At least it's not too cold waiting for a bus afterwards these days. Have a great Easter wish I was going somewhere!! :)
That is brilliant! I'm taking notes!

I think I have lost 1lb but I'll see in a few days if that's for sure or not! I am probably consuming between 700-1000 kcals a day and I don't eat breakfast, never have. It seems I need to address that (it's frustrating me as well). I went for an 8 mile walk on Sunday but not much since as my shoulders were killing me from some push ups! Feeling a bit arggghhh...

700-1000 sounds low to me. I thought u needed to eat at least 1200 as so not to go into starvation mode & to jeep your metabolism going? If you've lost a pound though maybe I have this wrong x