Westiegirl: Restarted Day 1 Under my Belt!

You have the same 'danger time' as me. I have found that if I eat at home when i get in from work, it turns into a binge. End of. This stems from my 'secret eating' days, as I used to get in from work at 5-5.30, with a bag full of rubbish, knowing I had until 6.15-6.30 to eat it all, hide the remains, and look 'normal' before OH got home from work. It was my part of the day to 'treat myself' and 'make myself feel better'. I have tried all sorts of things, and what has worked for me is eating only fruit (although I can get through a LOT of fruit!), taking a snack to work to eat before I leave (I AM always hungry at that time, but not 3000 calories worth!), doing exercise when i get in from work, phoning a friend, having a shower as soon as I get in and doing the works (which can quite happily take me 15 mins to 3 hours plus!!). I can't remember the last time I had a post-work binge, but I would not say i was 'cured' by any means!

Ooooh, and Heidi's 'Food Dump' has really really helped - even though I have only dumped one thing in there, it was an old pattern - I had even sent OH round to his friends to leave the coast clear, and this was after eating dinner!
Hi sarah,
sounds as if you are as confused as the rest of us at the moment!! but thats ok at least you are addressing the problems you face, how easy would it be to slip back to just eating and eating and getting bigger ane bigger and not ever addressing it??? Those days are gone so you have moved on a massive amount, look fantastic and have agreat new life so lots of positve strokes for you !!

One day at a time thats all we can do, the stressing, the beating up, the hours spent wondering why we "cant " do just what we plan to dont really help, we have a great big bag of tools to help us maintain/ lose weight and sometimes the bag seems so deep we cant see in,othertimes what we need is right on top but the tools are always there for us , we just have to reach out and use them!! Each day a different tool will be appropriate , the tough bit is getting the right tool for the job in hand, and as we are new to this game often we will get it wrong but we will learn from it so thats ok!!!

can I just say though the bit about the choc buttons, why did you have them in the house? I would say that unless you have to have them in ( and I struggle to think of a real reason for that) then get shot of all things that may trip you up, its not kind to you to put temptation in your way!! would you do it anyone else???

put them in the food dump and then the real dustbin, next time your tempted to buy in for a feast remind yourself that it will have to go in the "dump" so you may as well not bother!!!

Good luck honey, your doing good.
I have been in hiding! Mini wrote on a thread somewhere about people being more absent when they are not doing so well. That's the case with me. I am finding it hard at the moment to adapt to my new life and I think I am putting myself under pressure uneccessarily (again!).

I don't want to put on the weight I have lost, but I have put back on about a stone. I am determined not to let it become more and I am fighting what seems like a losing battle.

At the moment I can't SS but I am eating so much junk food it's unreal! I seem to be addicted to chocolate. I was never bothered about it before. It's quite difficult due to the fact that I have no kitchen. I have a fridge/freezer which was delivered on Sunday but no cooking facilities. That means I have to share with my mum and dad and they have lots of lovely treats in there to tempt me. Heidi, you wondered why I had buttons in the house. Good point, and I haven't bought any since, BUT, there are lots of high fat treats in my Mum's . Sometimes I can resist but I don't seem to be able to at the moment. I seem to have major TOTM at the moment. I'm in a bad mood and my boobs are really sore!

Maybe it will be better next week! Just venting again. I keep trying to count WW points and I guess all I can do is keep on trucking! If I'm struggling at least I'm not giving in!
Hey sarah sweetie

I know what you're going through, a move is very stressful and even though i moved back home in January this year i'm still only 90% certain i've done the right thing!!

I'm struggling diet wise too, i'm either little miss perfect ss'ing or bingeing for wales!!!!! Can't seem to get a balance! I'm about a stone over target grrrr! Feel fat! It's my xmas party tomorrow night and i'm gutted i'm not thinner!!!!! They'll all be watching me ha!

I'm in a good frame of mind today so will be good, tomorrow there is a 3 course meal at the party so i will eat or pick at that - i'm sure i'll be more interested in the wine anyways!

Then back on it for the weekend and to try to lose some of this excess weight by xmas.

I'm seriously thinking about doing slimming world after xmas though.... i don't think i can do these packs for much longer, it's too drastic for the amount of weight we want to lose and i'm sure the sooner we get back to eating healthy food the better for our bodies and our sanity?!?!?

It's a tough decision though, i think i'm addicted to SS'ing to make me feel good????
Where do I start? I have not been able to motivate myself to get on here! I am really not myself at the moment. I am struggling so much and my head is on another planet!

I can't really put what I'm feeling into words so I haven't!

My diet is right out the window at the moment and I'm in danger of going into meltdown foodwise. I have binged every day and tbh I haven't really cared at the time. Later though the recriminations start and I beat myself up big time.

I have sat most evenings wondering where I go from here and what I can do to help myself. I have every self help book on the planet and I have dug out the ones on overcoming binge eating and have started to read them. I am now keeping food eating records and intend to follow the advise and see if I can overcome my problem! I think that the trouble in my past is that I want "easy fixes" and I know deep down that I can't solve my problems that quickly. I have loved doing LL but I don't think that it has solved my food issues. The counselling part was useful for the first 100 days, but after that I think the counselling in the development and management stages are not structured enough to address the individual issues. Even after only a few days of my food diary the patterns are emerging in terms of what my triggers are. I have already realised:
1. If it's there, I'll eat it
2. If it takes more than 2 minutes to prepare (ie rip open the packet) I don't want it
3. PMS is a MAJOR factor

It's all very well knowing these things but I hope that by REALLY using my self help books I can "cure" myself (don't worry I'm not naive enough to know I'll ever be cured!). I do realise now that this will be a long process and will probably take the rest of my life!

Does anyone else have an issue with PMS? I have not had it so bad for a long time. Perhaps there is a bit of sense to PMS being helped by diet. Mine is so rubbish at the moment and I'm feeling horrible! My breasts are really tender and I am feeling so down on myself. I'm feeling ugly because I know I have put some weight back on again. In fact I know that this will sound silly but I am worried about the VFBC meet up in Newcastle because I feel like I've failed. I'm such a perfectionist and I know that all my lovely mates on here have never and would never judge me on the way I look and that I've put more weight on. It's only me that's putting the high standards on myself! I hate being such a perfectionist!!!! I need to get a reality check and get myself out of this slump and look forward to my trip in January!

Right, I've given myself a slap. Going Xmas shopping now. Buck up girlie!
Hi Sarah.. I feel that I am in a similar place to you at the moment.. even the PMS!!!!! I'm all over the place diet wise and I recognise 100% your perfectionism!!!!!. We will sort this stuff out though... just so long as we don't give up trying... and I'm certain neither of us will do that!!!!!!:eek: I just wanted you to know that you are not alone...
Thinking of you and looking forward very much to seeing you again in Jan...
Hope your Xmas shopping goes well:) Make sure you treat yourself to something nice:) and give your self some positive strokes for your brilliant achievement so far, and for your recognition of a problem and your ability to sort out some stategies to start dealing with it.... I'm with you all the way hun:D:D

Much love as always xxxxx:D
Hi Sarah

Sending you big hugs honey (((((hugs)))))

I don't really know what to say, it is so hard to quit the addiction we have to food and bingeing.

Although i've eaten (protein and veg mostly), i haven't binged since meeting S 10 days ago. This is the longest time i've not binged for in months. The fact that i see him every night stops me bingeing in the day and of course i wouldn't dream of bingeing in front of him!!!! He has little interest in food so i'm not being tempted to eat all the time! Although he left a tube of pringles here yesterday, he ate about 5 of them and are now sat in my cupboard - i told him to chuck them/taken them with him - he just laughed and said don't be crazy - he really has no clue about my food demons!!! The thing is though when i'm with him i have no craving for food - quite bizarre and the three meals i've had with him so far i've even left quite a bit of food on my plate (very rare for me!!!!!).

Maybe finding a good man has satisfied my emotional urge to eat???? Altho with Mr S i ate more than ever!!!! But he was a foodie too.... oh and nowhere near as fabulous as my current beau!

So maybe find yourself a nice boyfriend, seems to be curbing my greed and gluttony so far?!?!? lol
In fact I know that this will sound silly but I am worried about the VFBC meet up in Newcastle because I feel like I've failed. I'm such a perfectionist and I know that all my lovely mates on here have never and would never judge me on the way I look and that I've put more weight on.


I feel exactly the same way, hun - I'm ashamed that I've put weight back on and I know everyone will be cool about it and non-judgemental BUT I am judgemental (or is that just mental???)

I've got no clue what I'm going to wear and feel a bit miserable about it to be perfectly honest.........

So, my luv, you and me are in the same boat!!


I feel exactly the same way, hun - I'm ashamed that I've put weight back on and I know everyone will be cool about it and non-judgemental BUT I am judgemental (or is that just mental???)

I've got no clue what I'm going to wear and feel a bit miserable about it to be perfectly honest.........

So, my luv, you and me are in the same boat!!


.....and Mich makes three of us......:( I have literally piled it on since my summer holiday.....and feel cr*p.....been on a girls weekend away this weekend and was still the fattest out of the 6 of us:( and also managed to pile on 8lbs...WTF!!

Sarah and Isobel......no one will judge you.....you are amongst friends.....I for one will not be judging anyone whater their shape or size......I am looking forward to finally getting to meet you all......


I feel exactly the same way, hun - I'm ashamed that I've put weight back on and I know everyone will be cool about it and non-judgemental BUT I am judgemental (or is that just mental???)

I've got no clue what I'm going to wear and feel a bit miserable about it to be perfectly honest.........

So, my luv, you and me are in the same boat!!


and me too!!! was even thinking of pulling out of the Newcastle visit cos of it... but after seeing this I think I might just go!!!!

Gen xx
and me too!!! was even thinking of pulling out of the Newcastle visit cos of it... but after seeing this I think I might just go!!!!

Gen xx

Gen....you have to come.....I will be waddling like a good 'un by Janunary....though am attempting to SS this week:rolleyes:

Perhaps we should all have one last 'blow out' and start on the Monday after the VFBC and make a pledge with each other that the next meet up whatever excess weight we have gained from our lowest point will be gone....deal or no deal.....LOL;) :D

LOL What are we lot like!!!!

OK Listen up guys - we're going to be there - all of us different shapes and sizes - at different stages of the diet, dolled up to the fecking nines and strutting our stuff!!! OK????

I might even try to squeeze into something leather just for a larf! hehe!!!!

We're going to be there for eachother - it ain't no competition. We all rock hard!!!!

Gen....you have to come.....I will be waddling like a good 'un by Janunary....though am attempting to SS this week:rolleyes:

Perhaps we should all have one last 'blow out' and start on the Monday after the VFBC and make a pledge with each other that the next meet up whatever excess weight we have gained from our lowest point will be gone....deal or no deal.....LOL;) :D


Sounds like a good deal to me, Mich baby!!!!
Where do I start? I have not been able to motivate myself to get on here! I am really not myself at the moment. I am struggling so much and my head is on another planet!

I can't really put what I'm feeling into words so I haven't!

My diet is right out the window at the moment and I'm in danger of going into meltdown foodwise. I have binged every day and tbh I haven't really cared at the time. Later though the recriminations start and I beat myself up big time.

I have sat most evenings wondering where I go from here and what I can do to help myself. I have every self help book on the planet and I have dug out the ones on overcoming binge eating and have started to read them. I am now keeping food eating records and intend to follow the advise and see if I can overcome my problem! I think that the trouble in my past is that I want "easy fixes" and I know deep down that I can't solve my problems that quickly. I have loved doing LL but I don't think that it has solved my food issues. The counselling part was useful for the first 100 days, but after that I think the counselling in the development and management stages are not structured enough to address the individual issues. Even after only a few days of my food diary the patterns are emerging in terms of what my triggers are. I have already realized:
1. If it's there, I'll eat it
2. If it takes more than 2 minutes to prepare (ie rip open the packet) I don't want it
3. PMS is a MAJOR factor

It's all very well knowing these things but I hope that by REALLY using my self help books I can "cure" myself (don't worry I'm not naive enough to know I'll ever be cured!). I do realize now that this will be a long process and will probably take the rest of my life!

Does anyone else have an issue with PMS? I have not had it so bad for a long time. Perhaps there is a bit of sense to PMS being helped by diet. Mine is so rubbish at the moment and I'm feeling horrible! My breasts are really tender and I am feeling so down on myself. I'm feeling ugly because I know I have put some weight back on again. In fact I know that this will sound silly but I am worried about the VFBC meet up in Newcastle because I feel like I've failed. I'm such a perfectionist and I know that all my lovely mates on here have never and would never judge me on the way I look and that I've put more weight on. It's only me that's putting the high standards on myself! I hate being such a perfectionist!!!! I need to get a reality check and get myself out of this slump and look forward to my trip in January!

Right, I've given myself a slap. Going Xmas shopping now. Buck up girlie!

Hi Sarah,

If losing weight and getting rid of old demons were so easy then we would not be struggling like we do.

None of us got here over night...we have accumulated our battle scars down the years and coped the best we could under the circumstances just as you are doing now...such is life.

None of us are perfect and we all come to this diet journey and tackle it the best way that we can...

We are all so very unique and while we do tend of course to compare ourselves to others which is only natural, the reality is we really can't...

Some of us can lose weight and follow the diet to the letter and get to goal and stay there...

Some of us can lose weight and follow the diet to the letter and break it and spend twice as long trying to get back on the diet again...

Some of us can lose weight and follow the diet to the letter and fall off the wagon as life has a habit of getting in the way of things...the diet becomes the last thing on the list and so gets shelved again along with the rest of goals...

Some of us can lose weight and do the diet by our own rules and still achieve and get to goal...

Some of us can lose weight and regain it all or some of it but keeping coming back and keep on trying for we know that we are bound to figure it all out in the end...

Some of us can lose weight and break the diet and fall off the wagon and get so dishearted with the weight gain that we never want to ever do another diet ever again...

Some of us can lose weight and fall off the wagon before the day or week is out and restart again every Monday...

Some of us can lose weight and fall off the wagon and before the week is out have a new diet ready to try that is going to promise the magic quick fix that will give the results and we will all live happy ever after...

I think we all have to explore ourselves and keeping a food diary and seeing what our triggers are is a very good way to get to know ourselves.

We also have to write a list of pro's and con's to being fat and being slim and get to know what it is we want out of life.

Instant processed foods contain a lot of sugar and chemicals that do play havoc with the body chemicals and sugar is known to leach vitamins out of the body along with other minerals and do give you bad PMS and lead to more sugar cravings...so that you get caught back in the cycle of cravings.

Properties of Sugar

Sugars in their refined form leach various vitamins, notably of the B group and minerals such as calcium and magnesium out of the body in order to make use of this refined chemical.

It is absorbed into the bloodstream too quickly which make the pancreas produce too much insulin which removes too much blood sugar. So eating too much sugar actually causes low blood sugar, as well as leaching out B complex vitamins and encouraging the body to excrete chromium - a mineral linked to diabetes and arteriosclerosis. The initial energy boost is quick but so is the let down leading to a craving for another boost. Complex carbohydrates are digested far more slowly and allows the pancreas to respond more slowly giving a more even blood sugar

Source: Pure, White and Deadly

Sarah, at the end of the day you are with friends who understand where you are coming from and while we would all love to be at goal and never to have a weight problem or problems as far as food concern...I think for me I have accepted that for now I am a work in progress...

And at times I could easily dig a big hole and just bury myself in it out of embarrassment that I am still struggling on and off so much.

We have to claim our achievements and focus on the victories and never give up trying.

WE are all more than our weight or diet...go to the VFBC meet up in Newcastle if you can for this is a time for you to be with friends and have a good time.

Love Mini xxx
Perhaps we should all have one last 'blow out' and start on the Monday after the VFBC and make a pledge with each other that the next meet up whatever excess weight we have gained from our lowest point will be gone....deal or no deal.....LOL;) :D


That is funny Mich!!!:D
Hiya Sarah!!!

I've been like you for months now...gaining a bit losing a bit but overall gaining more than losing!

I too have been worrying why everyone would think of me in Newcastle in the New Year but then I thought nobody will think 'OMG look at her...she's put half a stone on' will they??

I don't know why or how but after struggling to get back on I've got something in my head for the last week....the bingeing was getting out of control and almost daily but now I seem to have come through it.
Maybe I've got it out of my system...hope so....and you will too

Much Love

Sarah, Mich, Isobel & Gen ..............seems we've got a wee club running here :D I too was thinking of not coming to the meet cos of weight gain but..............i'll be there after reading this :D
I know i won't be judged by anyone there but i'm own worst critic :(

Maisie x x
LOL What are we lot like!!!!

OK Listen up guys - we're going to be there - all of us different shapes and sizes - at different stages of the diet, dolled up to the fecking nines and strutting our stuff!!! OK????

I might even try to squeeze into something leather just for a larf! hehe!!!!

We're going to be there for eachother - it ain't no competition. We all rock hard!!!!


Ahmen to that Isobel............but I draw the line at leather......LOL (for me I mean.....)
