what after you reach your goal?


Full Member
I was wondering what everyone intends on doing when reaching their goal in terms of diet?

Does anyone hope to just stick low carb or another diet like atkins, weight watchers, slimming world etc?

Thanks!! :553:
Absolutely not!! NO NO NO!! Once Ive got to goal on this I AM NOT maintaiing by using a diet. Quite honestly the thought of spending the rest of my life counting points, measuring hex etc makes me want to jump out a window!!

When I get to goal Im going to do what 'normal' people do, eat sensibly. For me dieting is a means to an end, when I get to the end - thats it.
Hi Starlight
Hmm interesting, i wonder - am i normal? struggling wth food choices in the past. having a weakness for carbs: i know we're supposed to learn new ones along this journey, but normal people don't need to learn that arguably! lol. Will i always be plagued by carbs tempting me in! lol.

I think i've better off (when i reach goal) following a low carb way of life, watching those nasty white foods. I know everything in moderation but i'm not sure i'm wired that way!
Hi Koody, I too am a carb queen by choice (obviously not for last 18weeks!!) but been on hols for two weeks and must say I could have taken or left the food side of things, if thats any help!
And believe me Id have always rather had carbs than protein or any other food really!
Am hoping that my weight loss and the extreme nature of Exante will 'cure' me of my carb attraction when Im maintaining and in normal life again.
Think now when I have a WS day I can be strong and leave the carbs, and choose protein.
Anyway hope its given you a bit of hope!
Good luck on your journey, fabulous loss so far!
For me, its going back to Slimming World...I know what I have to do but there is no way I can do it alone so SW keeps me on the straight and narrow.
thanks dawndesperatetoloose! hmm i think its because i've been here before... when i came off lighterlife. i avoided those dastardly carbs for a year but slowly, bit by bit, they seem to creep in. Treat myself to dough balls, a bit of pasta, a few potatoes. I'm a vege and love all kinds of veegatbles. I can't say theres one that i've tried that i don't like! but i think i forget! lol
hi trueblueangel, thanks for your reply. yeah i wonder if i need something to keep me on the straight and narrow!
hi trueblueangel, thanks for your reply. yeah i wonder if i need something to keep me on the straight and narrow!

I simply know my weaknesses and would rather admit it and use SW to keep me right, otherwise I'll quickly be back where I started.
i agree chiefdave! we all must have gone wrong somewhere otherwise we wouldn't been where we are / were. Portion control is a big one for me. I come from a family where my dad used to use the big oval serving platter as his plate at christmas!

i'm not kidding myself that i will be a reformed character when i'm done with exante. I thinks its alot to pressure to say thats it, i will never diet again, i am better!

Staying thin is a lot easier than getting thin but i still think i'm going to have to constantly check and recheck where i am and do something about it when i have slipped from my goal.
Staying thin is a lot easier than getting thin but i still think i'm going to have to constantly check and recheck where i am and do something about it when i have slipped from my goal.

I am not sure it is? I found getting slim with Exante relatively easy - well not easy - but with food excluded nothing to count, measure, guess, cheat etc. So I did it, it worked, I lost the weight but now...

Now its a worry, am I scared of food? I really really dont want to be fat ever again, but how can I be sure? I am on week 4 of maintaining - its early days but I am not really sure how it will go. I am avoiding fat, but eating bread and still a shake for breakfast and soup for lunch. Trying for low calories, healthy meals in the evening. I will let you know if I find the magic bullet.

Hi GSQ - i think i meant in terms of whats required. Losing weight you need to not only burn the calories you need in day but then some to try and lose weight. Being slim means you need to burn the calories excess to what you need. Essentially anyway lol!

I found when i came off lighterlife, i too was afraid of food. I trod very carefully, almost took it as a treat, something special. Maybe the completely wrong way round - thats on the reward route! I divided up everything like i do with my bars, to make it last longer.

I don't think i'l ever be "normal" when it comes to food, i don't think should be casual with food ever again! lol does that make sense?
I am trying to get to a stone under my target - ish, so that I have room to reintroduce food and see how I go - I don't always want to feel I am on a diet but I know I never want to be back here again! I am also going to WI once a week so I keep my eye on things as this was something I never did and suddenly when you do weigh yourself you have put on huge amounts of weight! I am also going to go off my clothes as when I put all this weight back on I didn't take notice of the warning signs and just bought the next size up and from there it is a very slippery slope...
When I get to the end of my weight loss journey (I really know that I wont ever get to the end of my weight loss journey, food and exercise will always be a journey for me) but when I get to my goal weight, I will try and not make food my life but get myself to realize that I only need it to live.. and its not there to make me happy or to be used as comfort. I'm not going to deprive myself of chocolate or any other sweet treats, but I am going to eat them like they were supposed to be eaten.. in moderation. I plan to have a treat day, like one of the cadbury's magic elf things with popping candy in them, maybe once a week. I am kinda afraid that I will be scared of food when I come of Exante, but I will feel better within myself once I lost my weight. I#m hoping to stick with a balanced diet when I come off of exante, The first few week off of the diet I will be calorie counting and checking my weight each week to see if I stay the same and maintain or gain but after like 5 weeks, then I will stop.
When i get to my goal i will be low carbing. Did it before and loved it. I miss my veg and salads :)