What are we eating today?

B - 2 egg and saus mcmuffins
Slice of ginger mim with philly
L - Corned beef and green salad with caesar dressing
D - Steak and green salad with c dressing

S - rest of mim and philly, middle of pork pie without crust (well not much of it) couple of slices of cheese
E - 3.5 mile walk with dogbert - about 1 hour 10 mins
W - at least 4 litres + assorted coffees

early night tonight - Brother's Wedding Tomorrow!!! :)
L: chees eand chicken salad, mayo, cucumber
D: spicy cheeseburger pie, salad mayo (having this for lunch tomorrow mmmm)

no snacks and 6 pints of water

1 bottle of rose
Didn't have much prep time this morning as 30mins extra sleep was more attractive than going downstairs and making eggs and preparing my salad so today has been:

B - Atkins bar (at work :p)
L - Marmite MIM toasted with Phili and 3 small Kabanos sausages
D - Mattesons Omlette with spinach
S - Babybel

W - 4 litres and one tea with cream
E - Not had time (slaps wrist :() as I've been helping my friend choose her wedding cake as I'm her bridesmaid in December :D
Im guessing you like burgers then. Lol

lol.... actually only the ones I've made myself... I don't do them often so once I done them today decided not to bother cooking anything else as they were too lush....lol
I did indeed, quite filling too... I think tomorrow will be an all chicken day....lol.. but will see. ...
I love days like that. Double your recipes and freeze some. That way you always have something
Good Morning.

B: Lamb Curry and steamed spinach.
L: Not sure, something legal, last day of induction today.
D: TFIF! the pub and then a donner.

Interesting weekend coming up, wedding reception Tomorrow, Family BBQ on Sunday. probably loads of alcohol looming there. :D
have a great one Jim

My last official day on atkins

B - 3 fried eggs
L - ?
D - chicken breast wrapped in bacon and greens

B scrambled egg with cheese
L tuna salad at freinds cafe it was lovely!!
T something from the curry take away kebabs or tikka (maybe both!) :)
no water as yet
no snacks
Have a good weekend
Delly x
B: 2 eggs, scrambled 3 rashers of streaky bacon and 1 portabello mushroom, sliced.
L: 2 loin chops.
D: Chicken breast with mushroom and spinach.
S: None.
W: Probably 2-3lts again.
Hi everyone hope all is well x

B - Chicken salad, 80g leaves, 50g cucumber, 5 cherry toms, 50g cheddar cheese
L - 2 scrambled eggs, 50g red pepper, 10g spring onion, 40g cheddar cheese
D - Lamb stir-fry with 50g mushroom, 90g spinach, 80g brocolli
S - 1 x Chicken breast, Atkins chocolate brownie bar

Net carbs - 18.1g

3 Glasses Diet coke
10 glasses of water so far
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evening all....

we had fat friday at work, and again my staff are so considerate!!

we have a savoury day instead of the usual cakes and sweets lol so today i have had.....

B: pepperami
L: cheese/chicken salad mayo cucumber
D: left over cheeseburger pie and greens or cauli
S: another 2!!! pepperami, 2 mini scotch eggs, 2 snack sausages.

about 6 pints of water
on my first voddy :D
Breakfast - Cinnamon MIM with a bit of double cream
Lunch - 4 x bacon, 2 x eggs scrambled, 2 x babybel followed by atkins cheesecake and bit of double cream
Dinner - Cheeseburger pie with 80g of red pepper followed by atkins hazelnut crunch choc bar

water - about 3 litres
exercise - none
Today my new manager has informed us she likes to have chocolate fridays and gives us all a chocolate bar every friday! Today was a Mars bar and I'm really glad I brought an atkins choc orange bar with me today as today has been the day from hell and that Mars bar was starting to stare at me from my desk so resisted and had my atkins bar instead and took the evil Mars bar home for the husband (he's really going to like this new manager if he gets this treatment every friday!)

So today I've had
B - Mattesons sausage
L - Corned beef and kabanos (there was no cold chicken in tescos)
S - Choc Orange Atkins bar
D - 2 Extra Tasty chicken legs from big tescos hot deli and 200g celeriac and some mayo

W - 4 litres and will be one more before bed
E - None officially but been running round like a blue @rs£d fly all day and spring cleaning starting with the bedroom after work
Yesterday............brother's wedding
B - Sausage and Egg
L - Carvery - meat, green beans and cauli only
D - Buffet - only ate legal stuff off it

S - Mim and philly
W - At least 5 litres of water plus assorted voddy/diet coke, whisky and water, and coffee
E - 1 hour walk with dogbert and some dodgy dancing at the party

Today -
B - Mim and philly
L - Scrambled Eggs with cheese
D - Cheeseburger pie and salad, just waiting for it to cool down a bit

S - chicken leg, not sure what else yet, if anything
D - 4 pints of water so far, going to pub later so will have more water there and a couple of bushmills whisky too with a bit of luck
E - 1 hour 40 mins with dogbert (in the blinking rain)
Had my first little drinkiepoos today and what a cheap date I am! Had 1 large glass of Rose wine and I was away! Will be having plenty of water tonight to rehydrate myself.

B - 2 slices of Bacon and mushrooms
L - Full Chicken Leg with mayo and some Corned Beef
D - Chargrilled Salmon and Salad in restaurant, ate my salmon but only a bit of my salad as I had loads of mushrooms this morning and plus I felt really full after salmon.

E - Walking round Doncaster and using my Shake Weight later
W - 3 litres before I went out, 1 glass rose, 1 diet coke and will be another 2 litres of water tonight!
Hi hope everyone is well today

Today's food
B - 3 egg omelette, 50g mushroom, 15g spring onion, 45g cheddar cheese
L - Tuna salad, 50g leaves, 50g cucumber, 25g spring onion, 40g cheddar cheese
D - Steak fry-up, 90g spinach, 80g brocolli, 50g red pepper
S - Atkins, chocolate & orange bar, Atkins decandence bar, Atkins chocolate brownie bar

Total Net carbs - 19.9g

Had a bit of a sweet tooth today, feel a bit guilty eating three bars :/ oops x
Its quiet on here this weekend! I must be the only one left without a social life, either that or I'm the only one sad enough to choose a bank holiday to have a mega spring cleaning blitz of the house!

Feel like I've had a bit of a crappy atkins day today, not been interested in much food or what I have but don't think I've had anything wrong. Let me know if I have please x

B - Kabanos sausage as wasn't in the mood for eggs (checked packet of these and theres no rubbish in them and they're less than a carb for a packet of 6)
S - Atkins Bar 2c - fancied something sweet
L - 2 Duck eggs scrambled with 100g spinach cooked in garlic butter and 100g celeriac
S - Atkins bar 3.5c
D - Not sure yet but may just be some chicken shish from the takeaway as too tired to bother cooking

W - ok not as much as I normally have only had 2 litres so far but will be more before bed.
E - nothing proper but been cleaning house and washing, drying and ironing for England so not been on my bum all day.