What are we eating today?

Yeah I know!! I had too many carbs this weekend & suffered the same... not easy to do discreetly in a tent or in open air composting loos!! :eek:
LOL yes, still you could blame the composting loos, I could only blame Colleen :D
LOL, you don't think she stood for that for one moment do you Bren?
Ah, that's got two meanings, LOL, yes poor Colleen for having to put up with it. ;)
Possibly ;)
Hi all hope everyone is having a good day

Today's food
B - Tuna salad, 100g leaves, 50g cucumber, 1 medium tomato
L - Stuffed red pepper, 1 medium tomato, 40g cheddar cheese
D - 2 pork chops, 90g brocolli, 90g spinach
S - 20g cheddar cheese, 30g cheddar cheese with full fat mayo

Total Net carbs - 17.1g
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B - saus and egg muffins
L - corned beef and ham salad (mainly greens)
D - lamb chilli burgers (from recipe thread) with more greens, cheese crumbled over. Mayo.

S - mim with philly (spread out over the day)
W - over 4 litres plus assorted coffees
E - 1.5 hours with dog, including a good amount of running (in spurts)
ho, hope everyone is ok today :D


B: pepperami
L: asda coleslaw salad, pepperami
D: prawn mayo salad

3 pints water, 2 vodka cokes.

im hungry but cannot face another pepperami and am too laxy to cook anything, bugger it ill go to bed lol
Morning all

B: A huge salami sausage, because I really fancied it and it was hanging there in the utility. :)
L: I'm meeting Colleen today.
D: Pork loon steaks and red wine grave with steamed spinach and Bok Choi.
OK I am well and truly back on the wagon, hit ketosis yesterday evening, so full steam ahead! :D

B: 3 rashers bacon, 2 scrambled eggs
L: Was really busy trying to sort the kids out, didn't realise I hadn't eaten until 3pm!
D: Rump steak with mushrooms and salad
S: Few slices of salami
W: 2.5 lts
E: 30 mins Wii Fit

B: Smoked salmon and 2 scrambled eggs
L: Chicken breast with wilted spinach
D: Pork loins with mixed salad
S: Probably more salami
W: Aiming for 3lts+
E: 30 mins Wii Fit
Hope everyone has had a nice day :)

Today's Food
B - 3 egg omelette, 25g red pepper, 1 med tomato, 45g cheddar cheese
L - Tuna salad, 50g leaves, 50g cucumber, 1 med tomato, 10g spring onion, 2 tbsp mayo
D - Beef, 80g brocolli, 60g cauliflower

Total Net carbs - 11.2g
Good Morning

B: 2 pork loin steaks fried up with scallions and eggs.
L: The Cafe as usual.
D: Lamb Curry I think, I was going to make a casserole but it's so nice and warm out there today.
B: Pork loins with a scrambled egg.
L: Chicken breast with wilted spinach.
D: Steak with mushrooms and more spinach.
S: Salami probably.
W: 3 litres hopefully.
E: Wii Fit.
B - leftover lamb chilli burgers and egg muffins
L - tuna and mayo with green salady stuff (loads of it)
D - Chicken

S - Mim with philly, snacky nibble things at a wine and nibbles evening, nothing too carby or ott
W - 4/5 litres
D - 2 small glasses white wine
E - only about 3/4 hour with dog - limited time unfortunately
Don't really want to post what I've eaten today, my mum had a bbq and I gave into temptation :(

Today's Food
B - 3 egg omelette, 10g spring onion, 1 med tomato
L - Small tuna salad
D - 4 chicken drumsticks, 2 sausages, 1 burger, 5 sweet chilli chicken skewers, lettuce and mayo

Total Net carbs - 23g

Feel like crying about the sweet chilli chicken, it's made me have really bad cravings and I feel really hungry :cry:
Hey could have been worse hun! Could have been a huge pizza with potato wedges, chips, pasta salad with cake for afters! Don't beat yourself up about it get back on the wagon on induction tomorrow xx

Didn't have breakfast as my lunch break is at 11:30am but had 2 litres of water before lunch.
L - 200g cold cooked chicken, 150g cucumber and some mayo
S - 1 egg scrambled with bit of butter
(had to pick husband up from Meadowhall station and ended up going and buying new TV as ours has died so was out lateish)
S - 1 Hazlenut Atkins bar 2.8c (had this while out as didn't want to pig out when I got home.
D - 3 egg omlette made with a bit of double cream and 100g mushrooms.
W - 4-5 litres
E - none


Again lunch was at 11:30 so no Breakfast and 2 litres of water
L - 1 tin tuna with mayo and 100g cucumber
S - 1 Choc Orange Atkins bar when got it from work before I go on cross trainer
D - Will be either a medallion steak or a chicken breast and 150g mushrooms cooked in garlic butter and maybe some mayo if I have chicken.
W - 5 litres plus
E - 20-30mins on cross trainer then going to walk over to Mums (only a mile there and mile back but every little helps)
No, don't beat yourself up, it really does not help! Turn the page and forget it.

B - Babybel cheddar, Saus and egg muffins
L - Corned beef salad - lotsa green stuff with caesar dressing
D - cheeseburger pie with spring greens

W - 4/5 litres plus coffees
E - 1.5 hours with dogbert on lovely later evening walk when it cooled off a bit
S - Choc mim with philly, bag of pork crunch