What are you looking forward to?


Full Member
I think we need a thread about things we are looking forward to when we are slimmer. Not stuff like clothes and smaller sizes, but all those other little things that get to us when we are big.

I am looking forward to:

  • The meal tray coming all the way down on aeroplanes, not getting stuck on my fat belly!
  • Being able to go to Blackpool or Alton Towers and not be worried that I am too fat for the rides
  • Work Xmas parties - I always pretend I have something else on as I never own party clothes and would hate shopping for them
  • Not being the 'fat mum' at my daughters athletics competitions. All the other Mums look really sporty
  • Not having to REALLY SQUEEZE myself through the turnstyles when we go to the football. Why do they have to be so bloody tiny!!
  • This is a weird one, as I prefer to be miserable in the mornings and sit on my own - BUT - on the Metrolink into work if I am sat in the window seat, people always take the seats next to the thinner people first. No one wants to sit next to a fatty!!

What are you looking forward to?
Ooo cool thread!!

I'm looking forward to being able to go into any shop and know they'll have clothes to fit me, when I go shopping with my mum in law and auntie I can only ever look because nothing fits in the shops they go in!!

I'm looking forward to no longer thinking are people in the street staring at me because I'm fat....half way there already!

I'm looking forward to being taken seriously with regard to fitness and sport, I have quite a good fitness ability but people look at you as if your making it up when you tell them what you've been up to...why? Because ur fat!

I'm looking forward to being able to go for a spray tan or a leg wax without feeling embarrassed...becoz of my size.

And finally, I'm looking forward to no longer being known as the pretty fat girl!! (ok, this was a while ago and I'm not really a girl anymore PMSL, but still can't wait to shed this label)!!

There are a lot things that I am looking forward to but also a couple of things I have already acheived and was thrilled about:

Being able to wear high heeled shoes without fear of falling over (bought my first pair of heeled boots at Xmas, the first time in years)
Being able to sit on the floor and then get up again without having to crawl to the settee to haul myself up.
Being able to fasten the seatbelt on the plane without cutting off the circulation.(Much more comfy on last hols in November, actually had to pull it tighter)
Being able to get in and out of the car without taking an age to do and feeling as if a hoist would be appropriate.
Going supermarket shopping without the aid of the trolley for support.

The list was endless, but now getting smaller, people just don't realise how many things are a challenge when we are fat...:)
I share the airplane tray table wish :D

To go swimming without feeling that everyone is looking at me

To get up and down the stairs without being out of breath
I share the airplane tray table wish :D

We flew to see family at Xmas and I had to put my drink on my husbands tray as my tray wouldn't come down far enough. So embarrassing!

We are going away for a weekend break on 30th March so am hoping it goes flat down then :D
We flew to see family at Xmas and I had to put my drink on my husbands tray as my tray wouldn't come down far enough. So embarrassing!

We are going away for a weekend break on 30th March so am hoping it goes flat down then :D

Of course it will - so much less of you already! :D
Aww, I'm with you on the tray problem. It's so demoralising to find, having suffered near suffocation to get the seatbelt done up, that you can't then relax and enjoy a drink!! Grrrrr!

I'm really looking forward to being able to wear a pair of knee high boots with some skinny (of sorts) jeans. AND I want to be able to cross my legs properly!!

Loads more but they are amongst the top of my list.

Let's keep going and make these wishes come true!!!

mine might seem a bit silly, but its something that just really upsets me on the inside when people say it.... probably because I know they are right.

I am looking forward to NO LONGER being reffered to has

"the very bubbly girl with a nice face"

which we all know really means...

"the fat girl who would look so much better if she lost weight"

Lady24 your on my page hun, so know what u mean xx
dolly I just get so fed up of hearing it,but when we get to goal those words will be long gone for us both :) xxx
lady24 said:
mine might seem a bit silly, but its something that just really upsets me on the inside when people say it.... probably because I know they are right.

I am looking forward to NO LONGER being reffered to has

"the very bubbly girl with a nice face"

which we all know really means...

"the fat girl who would look so much better if she lost weight"


Aww... 'And she has such a pretty face' - story of my life!!!!

No more - I want to have a 'fit' bod to match my allegedly 'pretty face'!!!
Love this thread!
I'm looking forward to everything in slim world! Going into high street shops and picking something and it will fit! Primarni top shop ect! High heels without looking like miss piggy!
Looking more my age I swear I look older than my years!
Doing normal things with my kids without looking and feeling a fool!
But most of all fitting into a wedding dress nxt February!