Total Solution what are you looking forward too?


wants to be slim
When you get to your target weight what do look forward to being able to do... mine will be :-

1 - Not sizing everything up before i sit on it.. like deckchairs, chairs with arms, white plastic chairs, theme parc rides, plane seats.... i always worry the belt wont fit me or i will have to squash into them or it will collapse... my husband always tells me to stop being daft but i cant help it.

2 - walking into a clothes shop and not have too look for size 20/22 anymore.

3 - seeing myself in a photo and not think to myself 'oh god am i really that big'.

4 - actually telling someone not on this forum what my real weight is :)
You know what, there was s hundred and ones I wanted to be able to do at target. But 4 stone lighter, still bot at target I am finding I am already able to do some of these things. And now there are things I wanna do that wouldn't have mattered before. It is amazing the things you wanna do as you lose weight. All of w sudden I'm intrested in the idea of rubbing (lol) when I was 20 stone I would've laughed in someone's face if they said that.

So, that was me thinking out loud..... X
You made me proper laugh.. i was thinking " rubbing what" lol
Damn the auto correct. I proper paniced when I read it lol... Least you got s laugh z