What can be added to Lipotrim?

As some of you know, I may be about to start Lipotrim.
Reading other threads about those who are on Cambridge, posters have said you can add spices, pepper or whatever to some of the soups.

What can be done to Lipotrim. I will probably have crushed ice in the shakes, just for the hell of it :) but have heard that the chicken soup is rather tasteless in some peoples opinions. To be prepared (as I am about to do an online supermarket shop), can any spices or whatever, be added to Lipotrim soup to help me along.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Spicing up Lipotrim

Hello there,
Glad to hear that you'll be starting LT. I add lo-salt and white pepper to the chicken soup. Black pepper is nice too. Sometimes a little Tabasco, or a little chilli-powder in the soup is good for spicing it up. I've done this and still lost weight.

With the sweet shakes, I sometimes put a capful of Supercooks orange extract to the chocolate and it makes a nice choc/orange flavour.

Coffee made in the cafetiere and added to the vanilla makes a super cappacino flavour, many thanks to Mini for that one.

You can buy a special shaker cup for making up the drinks and someone got a similar thing from the gym for me. It gets all the lumps out and I just have to be careful to make sure the lid is on just right and screwed on or it will leak. Maybe the official one is better.

Certainly the crushed ice is the best way to enjoy the shakes.

My own experience with LT for the first 4 days was difficult. I wasn't enjoying them, but I did hang in there and by the second week when I discovered how to make them nicer with ice and a thorough mixing, well I just love them now.

I've lost 2 stone in 3 months. I have around another stone to lose.

Good Luck
Marylyn xxx
Hi I bought two of the official ones don't do it... Within a week I shared my shake with the monitor lighting desk and every bit of electrical items that were in my workplace:(, The lids are push on and they just don't stay on. When i complained to the pharmacist she smiled and said "oh I forgot to tell you", and worse than that I could smell shake for days and days not good... I got a few off e bay for 1.99 each and they are screw top so its your fault if it isn't tight:). hope this helps Sam
Thanks for your replies and helpful tips. I have a good shaker that mixes batter. It has a secure lid, and have used it many times.

Marilyn, I thought those supercooks extracts may have contained sugar. Pleased they are allowed. Every little bit of flavouring will help make the meals palatable.
hi ladie in london :)
i add a teaspoon full of curry powder to my chicken soup and its lovely also adding an expresso coffee to thee vanilla makes a nice lattee and of you add coffee to the chocolate shke it makes a nice mocha coffee just a few different things
you are not suppose to do anything with them really but it helps and i,ve still lost lots of weight
i have been on lipo for nearly 12 weeks now and when i started i was taking 4x4 painkillers a day now i don,t take any also, i have high blood pressure and my tablets have been halved so thats got to be good you will feel so much better take care
You will definitely need a hand blender. I couldn't manage without mine, and it has been to Spain Cornwall and Italy with me over the months. A brita water filter is another "must" for me. I also could not have stuck to soups shakes and bars for months on end. Be creative. I made crisps almost every day, savoury pancakes & I still have desserts made with shake mix gelatine and psyllium husk. Split the packs to make life more interesting. This is your life for some months to come - be kind to yourself, don't make it any harder than it has to be! If you need any recipes or help, e mail me. [email protected]

Don't add anything to anything! Stick to the LT shakes, soup and "flapjacks", plenty of water, black tea, black coffee and leaf teas and you cant go wrong and your losses will be fantastic.

Some people do add pepper, chilli flakes to their soup and manage to still have nice losses but to be on the safe side don't have anything that is not on the LT TFR list! :D x
Aint it supposed to be chilli powder not flakes?

Anyways thats always way i have done it lol

Unless you dont wanna take the risks i would follow summers advice
second time round

Hi i've started LT once again. Did it 2 yrs ago and lost 2stone in 4weeks (with cheating) i've decided to keep to it this time. started on monday 20/07/09. up until today 23/07/09 i've lost 5kg's / 11pounds.

i'm finding the shakes awful so adding a tspoon of coffee to the vanilla and choc.. i can tell you that i'm actually looking forward to my next shake tonight haha...

I was wondering if anyone is doing exercise with LT and for those who arent ..are you still losing alot each week


start date 20/07/09 127.15 kg's 19 stone
goal 70kg's 11 stone
hi bronwina - i've not exercised above and beyond walking. but i plan to. as you can see from any of my posts i am VERY happy with the weight loss i've had, lol :)