What do you eat when you feel ravenous?

I don't think you have enough protein in your evening meal, add some Quinoa, Lentils, Beans.

I know they would bulk out my meals, would they fill me up more too? I always thought it was the carbs that were filling.
I like to snack on lettuce rolled up in some lovely lean ham... fills me up real quick when im feeling extra peckish!
A pot of fat free natural yoghurt or a can of sweetcorn :eek:
Protein will certainly help. It reduces your appetite and helps keep your blood sugar stable too.

I am night eater too. I tend to save my syns and have an extra something if I really need it.
As you have got PCOS it may really be worth having a search on line for low glycaemic load foods (more accurate than low glycaemic index) and making sure your evening meal consists of mainly these foods which will include more protein. Excess insulin will cause you to have hunger pangs It is your body trying to boost up it's blood sugar again. However if you boost it with the wrong foods you will be hungry again about twenty minutes to half an hour after eating. Readers digest do a brilliant book on eating with low glycaemic load. It is incredibly SW friendly especially with EE. Good luck x x
fruit fruit and more fruit, i have the fruit bowl in my living room. I was peckish after tea and ate loads of fruit, especially big oranges they do seem to stop the hunger pangs (not that i really have them much)
Rather than having things after your evening meal, you could try having a bowl of free soup at the time you'd normally have evening meal and then wait half an hour or an hour and then eat your normal meal. Lots of filling foods and hopefully you'll feel fuller into the evening more :)