Hi Ya
I added spices to my chilli soup tonight and I think its knocked me out of ketosis. Does anyone have a list of spices, herbs and flavourings that we cant have?
Hi Ya Isis
Thanks for posting anyhow. I just thought that the spices didnt have any cals or carbs in and then used them. But I think that I did wrong maybe?? My ketostix is the palest pink so I think that I may be just toitering on the brink of ketosis. I have drank loads of water today so is it possible that that is diluting my pee. Anyways, A list of CD safe herbs and spices would be great and then I could dabble in the kitchen. I miss my dabble in the kitchen, with having just shakes and soups!!
Maybe Im ok then. But I really would like to know about the spices and herbs!! No one seems to want to tell me.
Righty ho then - herbs and spices - erm not sure if I'm going to be very popular here but I wouldn't recommend any tbh.
I think that black pepper is ok, and the odd pinch of cayenna pepper but I think it's best to avoid adding extras to your soups/packs cos the danger is to get carried away and put all kinds of stuff in which can then knock you out of ketosis.
Soz if that's not what you want to hear!