What is it with people???

I've just told a friend that i'd lost 11lbs in my first week and this is the reply i got.....
I am not going to burst your bubble here, but please be careful on that diet, I know its "scientifically proved" etc, but I do know that when you go back to eating healthily its really difficult to keep the weight off'
Why is it that people are so down about this diet? If i get to target i will have lost about 8 stone, its not like as soon as i start eating i'm going to put that whole 8 stone back on now is it?? I think a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight are ALWAYS going to have to watch what they eat, i know i'll have to because i know how easy it is to put it back on again.
PLEASE send me some positive feedback as i'm starting to doubt myself AND this diet. :(
I'm not going to pile it back on again if i'm being healthy am i?
If you follow all the maintenance steps and continue to eat healthily, don`t eat more food than you actually need then you will maintain your chosen target weight.
Just look at icemoose( mike) and there are a lot of others who have maintained for over two years now.

People are so jealous because they feel intimidated by the new you, and most would not have the drive, willpower or motivation to do anything like cd.
You have to do this for you ! so if its what you want, listen to "your" reasons for doing it x x x

I have only told people recently and 2 of my collegues have started, I wanted to see if it worked and if I could stick to it, before I told anyone (hubby knew)

But YES it works and YES I can stick to it :D
I'm just sick of being told that I'll put it all back on again - well yes I will if I eat the way I did before, that's the same of any diet!

yep same here i told my boss as must admit was worried i may pass out at work,i work in a hot kitchen so,as only on day 2 am bit concerned how i will be,i know its rare ,but felt i should mention im doing cd,and yep i got same reaction as above,grrr its so annoying,i get oh i could not live without food,well i didnt think i could but although i feel hubgry im being really good,just glad day 3 is tmrw and got weekend for day 4 and 5 as have read these are your worse days!!!

the more ppl who comments its not good to me ,just makes me more determined to keep it up and prove them all wrong!!!!
sue x
I also think it's partly to do with when you do lose a fair bit of weight and people start noticing, they want to be kind and by doing so they tell you you look fantastic and don't want to lose anymore to make you feel good, think about it, they're not going to say 'yeah you look fantastic but I can see that you've still got a fair bit to go!' are they?

I always get told I look too thin when I'm just over the top end of my ideal weight (so just in the overweight category!) as with me being tall I can hide it well, which is ridiculous

what gets me is when we lose loads of weight but may have still a stone or a couple to go and people are telling us we've gone too far etc etc, those same people are the ones who'll look at women who have amazing figures and are obviously very slim and comment on how great they look!, yet we aren't allowed to look the same?, it's almost as if, once you've been overweight, you have no 'right' to be slim

better get off my soapbox now
I dont understand people who say, "OH I CANNOT GIVE UP FOOD!" and crtisize the CD, Cambridge products ARE FOOD!!! SOUPS ARE FOOD, CHOCOLATE BARS ARE FOOD, MILK SHAKES ARE FOOD !!!

The difference is it is the food prepared in such way to help the body use its own fat in order to get rid of the excess fat in a healthy and easy way, especially designed for obese and/or morbidly obese people through the benefits of ketosis.

So lets not say, we are on CD and gave up FOOD.. Because we haven't...
Hi all, can understand exactly what you're saying - the criticism is worse now than it was when I wasn't dieting!

Before I started CD I told everyone so that I had no way of cheating. All people keep saying is "oh you'll put it back on" and "it's not healthy". And then going on to provide yet more unsolicited diet advice...

Drives a girl mad eh?!!
was gonna just post a thread ranting about ppl and the lack of knowledge