What is your opinion of Weight Loss Surgery ?

my friend had a band fitted last year and has lost 10 stone she was hoping for a tummy tuck and boob lift as she has been left with saggy skin but they won't do it on the nhs for her she will have the band left in but it will be made bigger so she can eat more but i hope she doesnt put the weight back on as it hasn't dealt with any food issues she has, the last year she has still had choc and cakes rather than 'proper food' hasn't had one single hot meal been living on sandwiches so it hasn't been done very healthily,she has also had negative remarks from people they would say u've done well to lose so much weight but when she tells them she has a band they say oh thought u'd done it by urself. i have to say if i was offered a band to keep my weight in check i don't think i would say no i have struggled for years, yo-yo dieting not being able to get in the right mindset i know that all diets work if u stick to them it's finding a plan that u can happily stick to for life without getting bored which i believe i have found with s/w :)
I was pretty shocked this morning whilst watching the BBC news to hear the guest journalist talking about a WLS clinic , I am sure I am not allowed to name them, offering WLS for obese children.

Surely, apart from in rare cases, that is immoral and teaches a whole wrong set of values and ideals.

It is down to education at such tender ages.

These are not sweeping statements, just my view of what I have just heard and as I said there are always the exception to the rule.