What is your special target?

Hi everybody - Im 40 in August, so my goal is to be 5 stone lighter by then...

My husband is back from Afghan on leave in exactly 13 weeks from today, and would love the weight loss to make a big difference to the way I look by then. I would love to see the shocked look on his face!!! He thinks im just cutting out alcohol in honour of him not being able to drink.....
Well I'm aiming to have lost 7 stone and be maintaining before we go on holiday to Lapland in December. I want to be able to go sledging and not to have to struggle getting in and out of the reindeer sleigh. Perhaps even have a go at cross-country ski-ing or do another snowshoe hike. :)
I'm aiming to be at a "normal" weight by my 45th birthday in November, so plenty of time but what I'm really looking forward to doing is losing all the weight then going to see my two sisters in law who have never really welcomed me into the family since OH and me married 13 years ago. Last time I saw them was three years ago and they embarrassed me greatly by asking what size I was into now, in front of everybody..the cows!!! (especially as I had just come out of hospital after three months having lost twins and had a hysterectomy) I so can't wait for that moment lol

That will be sweet victory and what an incentive to stick!
I want to be slim for summer holiday in September and feel good on the beach!!! and not like a whale hidden under a sarong. Have 2 weddings to go to too..
My parents 40th wedding anniversary is at the end of June and we are making them a party so would like to have lost another 2 stone by then!!! hmmmmmmmmmmm fingers x
i wouldn't mind loosing another 3 stone as well, target to do it in a week. realistic target 3 months max. as i need to start saving for a holiday and the extra cash would be good.