What made you think ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?

To cut a long story really short, my ex wife had an affair after I started to gain weight progressively over 5 years. I guess it was a contributor in the breakdown but I think I was in denial over how much weight I had gained.

After the break up, I actually gained more but it something snapped in the New Year back in 2011 and I haven't really looked back.

I'm aiming to get to 13st 7 which in total is a 4st and 9lb loss from my original starting weight of 18st 2.

At the mo, I'm 15st 11, so a lot of work to do but I've never been so determined and my confidence is increasing all the time. Something I've battled with for a long while.

2012 looks very bright, as does the future :)
No realisation, for me it was being on the right frame of mind.
I found a job I love, I don't dead work every day, so no need to comfort eat, but I still lacked total motivation until about six months later I started in 2009 on my own, on 2010 at SW, then had a hysterectomy in August 2010 so went off plan until February 2011. Felt wonderful without the debilitating and crippling monthlies (sorry guys), was disappointed I didn't lose my huge belly ( fibroid measured 34x11x24cm) so had to get rid of the fat! Once on plan I felt great to be in control.
Meeting up with my sister and nieces was a revelation, hadn't seen them in 19 years, my sis and eldest niece and I all have the same facial features only mine is bloated and horrid! I so want a lovely photo of all us girls looking gorgeous!
I always know when enough is enough when I dread photos of me being put on Facebook . Had a few parties over the festivities and hated opening my computer as I was so scared how fat I would look! Some were pretty bad , others not too bad. That's how I know, when I shy away from a camera! Also health. My weight gain mainly comes from wine. Past few months I have drank a bottle every night. That had to stop , at least for my health's sake let alone the need to cut back financially. Shopping bill will be cut by about 30£ a week which is essential.
Realising i had been off the wagon for 6 months!! :sigh:
I've been 'lucky' that i've only gained 7lbs since June but even at such a slow rate i will be over a stone heaver within a year!! I know i can finally finish my journey this time - i have to!!
I have been overweight all my life and and after losing 2st 11lb last year i could finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. Changing jobs is what threw me off - from an easy 9-5 job with an hour for lunch at home (only lived 5 mins away) i found it a lot easier to stick to SW but now working 8-6, no set lunch, with the need to log in from home quite often, i just felt i didnt have the time. This week is the change of that! Here's to a brilliant weightloss in 2012 for all of us! :)

Initially the thing that made me want to lose weight was I wanted to start a family, I now have a 7.5 month daughter and the motivation has been coming and going :wave_cry:, But I am also suffering for gall stones so have to be extra careful about what I eat.:cry:.. Anyway after my op I am determined to lose more weight so that In a year or too we can try for another lo, and also to look great in our holiday pics this sept xxx

My wedding dress is paid for and is "in production". It can't be made bigger, so I either lose weight or lose a lot of money!
I started SW on the 1st October 2009 after seeing photos of me at a friend's wedding - I looked huge and miserable and had really struggled to buy something nice to wear to it - cue crying in the changing rooms and buying something that fitted and not because it looked fab! Went to my first class on that Thursday night (01/10/09) and gave myself a year to lose weight before my 30th (end of September 2010) - in that year I managed to lose 2st 5.5lbs before we headed off to the Amalfi Coast for two weeks - I love the photos of that holiday and most of them are proudly displayed around the flat! Cue getting home, nothing to 'aim' for and the weight slowly but surely starting to creep up! I kept going to class but my heart wasn't in it.

Jump to April 2011 and I started a new job which I love but is very demanding coupled with being very socialable - throw in a cr@p year with family health issues (fingers crossed through the woods) and when I started back at class on Monday evening, I was 1st 1lb heavier than this time last year! We're getting married in September and flying out to Tuscany for our honeymoon straight after - I WILL be at target for when I walk down the aisle (38lbs to go now) and look fab again in those Tuscan Honeymoon photos! I could kick myself for putting weight on again and then having more to lose again but I'm here, I'm on plan and I'm only human!

Sorry for the life story but once I started typing I couldn't stop!! Great therapy! xxx
My 6 year old who is a really poor eater and very underweight told me the reason he doesn't eat is cos he never wants to be like me :-(
Oh Violetwind that must have been horrible.

When I was pregnant with my daughter I was looking at photos of my son with some friends and one of them comment that I am not in any of them. They were right. I don't have a single photo of my son and I in his first two years because I felt so fat and unattractive.

So I decided enough was enough and I had my daughter on the 23rd of March and joined a class on the 30th. I had put on 3 stone over two pregnancies and I wasn't going to put on another pound.

I have 1 stone 2.5lbs to go to my target weight and I know I can do it.
It was. It really hurt but who can blame him, I don't even want to be like me! But no more 100% from here on out.

Im exactly the same about photos and it really is a shame when you look back. But its the same for you now too, no more hiding :)
There were three things that really did it for me.
The first was that a couple of school kids and a couple of adults had enquired if I was pregnant!
The second was not being able to fit in size 14 tops and having to buy size 16.
The third was seeing photos of myself over Christmas with a double chin, rolls of fat around my middle and actually looking a lot chubbier than I thought I was!
Oh and one extra, same as Becky's really....remembering how in the summer I used to sweat with a cardi on because I did not want to remove it because people would see my rolls of fat..
Just over 5 years ago I weighed 13 stone 10 and I'd say most of that was from the waist down. I ended and unhealthy relationship and got my life back.

Over the next 2 years I got down to 11 stone 2 and looked really good for it. My weight has been up and down since, but on the up since July.

I made a few half hearted attempts to lose weight in 2010 and 2011. I weighed myself just before christmas to find I was very close to 13 stone 10 again and was appalled at myself. This was the shock I needed to sort myself out and I decided that from 2nd Jan I was making a real effort to lose weight.

I'm determined and have set myself small realistically goals rather than expecting 3 1/2 stone to fall off over night.
Getting so heavy that my hips ached after walking only short distances....seeing myself in a photo and realising my stomach nearly came down to my knees......being unable to do my job properly because I would get so out of breath taking people on tours of my workplace that I couldn't speak properly.....being afraid I was going to die young.
Here I am now, 9 stones lighter and with about another 3.5 to go, thanking God I found SW.
I bought myself some boots and couldn't bend down properly to put them on.. This followed along time of getting stuck in chairs and causing tidal waves in the bathroom
a couple of things for me:

(a) I love singing and since putting on the extra weight I can't hold a note for as long as I used to be able to
(b) my knees sometimes "buckle" when I go up the stairs
(c) I sweat more
(d) I feel sh*t
(e) I wear/hide in the same clothes all the time
(f) Seeing people move out of my way because I need room because of my weight. They go out of their way to give me more room than I genuinely need - does this make sense to anyone?
(g) I'm fed up of people treating me differently because of my weight. It's like they don't take me seriously. When I'm out in the pub/club etc....it's like I'm "invisible" to men!

That's it! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH....
Wow... Some of these stories are heartbreaking! But each and every one of you puts a positive spin on the end "you will/have lose/lost the weight" it's great reading how others feel and how you can relate to other peoples posts. I hope this thread doesn't make people feel sad, I hope it gives you all that extra push to continue with the weight loss... Just to think back to the reasons why you initially wanted to lose weight. That feeling you never want to have again! You ladies are all amazing :)
It wasn't just one thing - I've been overweight for more or less my whole life and morbidly obese for a great deal of that - I guess it was just the right time? I'd noticed that there was a class on close to my house MONTHS before and I'd done a bit of checking things out on the internet for several weeks and one week, a year ago, I just decided to go and try it out.

I've never looked back and I feel like a whole different person. I don't know what it was that caused the click in my head, but I'm really glad that it did.
My 40 year old cousin having a heart attack! I'm 44 :( and all my health problems. And waking up choking at night in my sleep. And being out of breath walking upstairs.
Going into my favourite clothes shop and realising I cannot fit in their clothes any more! My OH has promised to pay for my summer holiday if I get to my target by then...So finally ENOUGH is ENOUGH! We can do it!
V15 said:
Going into my favourite clothes shop and realising I cannot fit in their clothes any more! My OH has promised to pay for my summer holiday if I get to my target by then...So finally ENOUGH is ENOUGH! We can do it!

I'm also sick of going into our local designer shop and only being able to buy handbags;) my first treat was a Gillet from there when I'd lost enough to fit in it,I love it. I have no pennies to shop there yet,but I will :(