What to drink?


Full Member
Hi Everyone, thanks for all your support so far! I'm still waiting for my first delivery but want to get stocked up on the extra bits and am interested in what I can drink. I mainly drink water all day at work anyway and dont mind a cup of black tea every now and then. I know it would be good for me if I could still drink my beloved pepsi max. It was a no no on LL but have seen on here people drink coke zero etc. Any tips on the 'rules' would be great, thanks :)
There is some advice in the frequently asked questions sticky at the top of the forum.
Great thanks ladies, I found the FAQ thread after posting this one, still finding my way round this place!
Going to start a diary soon for anyone who's interested :)
I'm a former Pepsi Max addict, I switched to Coke Zero but drink a lot less of it. I've gone from 2-3l of Pepsi Max a day to one or two cans!
Wow that is an addiction! I only ever have about a can a day but I really like it and actually look forward to it. Not a huge coke zero fan (you can taste the difference, I don't care what people say!) but I'll def try it as an alternative and see how I get on!
Yes you can really taste the difference, but I prefer Coke Zero over Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi or Diet Pepsi! They do all taste different to me. Regular Pepsi is the worst, I think it tastes kind of meaty!
I found red apple still water in iceland. its 2 bottles for £2 each bottle is 2 litres. its gorgeous but they always seem to be out of stock when i go in, so not fare. must be a lot of vlc dieters near me! the shelfs are full of the other flavours but of course theyre no use as all have citric acid in.... grrrrr
I was on about 4-6 medium cans of Diet Pepsi before I saw the S&S 'light' miniM. Hated Coke Zero, before all this, but boy is that a nice quaff after many weeks with NO diet drinks. Mind you, I feel the purists would still avoid any fizzy sweetened drinks! One or two a day for now, I'm not a saint!!!!
Well I was a purist the first week but now happily swig Coke Zero, flavoured water, boullion and tea with tablet sweetners! I try to stick to the approved non-approved drinks!
I hardly ever drink carbonated drinks to be honest. I can drink Earl Grey tea or plain old water all day long. The only drink I miss is wine and I know I can't have that! :) I very occasionally have a glass of flavoured water and don't worry about citric acid to be honest as I only have about a glass of that a week.