What to have after being ill


Never Give Up
I was quite ill last night, so ive basically got an empty tummy. Can anyone suggest what I can have to eat. I dont want to have a shake due to the diary and i dont think the bars would go down to well.

Any suggestions?
why dont you have some nimble toast with just marmite and no butter? i often have this when i've been ill and goes down well, i just try no butter to keep the dairy out just in case.

hope you feel better x x x
ive run out of bread, bugger :( ill have to get my boyf to go and get some.

Thanku, i still dont know what it is thats made me ill x
aw good bf!! :)

do you know what, i had the same last night. i wasn't sick so not as bad but i had such bad cramps in my stomach after eating dinner, i had bacon beans and some oven cooked hashbrowns went over 600cal cos i didnt have any snacks but i personally think its because there was quite alot of "bad" things that are quite fatty in there and my body isnt used to it anymore so re-acted badly. . . hmm i seem ok this morning luckily.

hope you get your bread soon x x x
Crispbreads are good for when you have a bad tummy. I suffer with acid reflux and when i have an attack i vomit so use these quite often. Also rich tea biccies and water biccies too.

Feel better soon. xx