What weight should I be?


Full Member
Hey folks.

I've been plodding along with the diet I constructed thanks to help from some of the users here, albeit with a few (quite a few ¬_¬) hiccups...

I'm now down to 13st, and yet, despite that being an apparently good weight for a man of my size and bone structure, I'm still fat... My face is chubby, I don't have a flat chest, I've got a lot of fat in my neck, and it just won't bloody go!

With the amount I have left, I still feel like I've got a stone to go, which just doesn't make sense to me as I'm not a naturally slim chap, 13 stone would have seemed spot on the mark for me.

Gah. Sorry. Wanted to rant.
its not weight which you should look at, its your body composition. the logic behind that is, there are loads of factors affecting weight like muscle weighing more than fat.

so my little theory is if theres flab in your stomach, or you have chubby cheeks...then you 'could' loose the weight.

well thats what im doing anyway. i know i can get my weight down to a normal weight, but there would be no point if theres still fat around.

im really impressed with you, looking at your stats btw.

i cant resist junk food, i love it too much. so i wanna build enough muscle mass on my body, so that i can have my chicken and chips 1ce or twice a week and it wont do any damage.

did your dieting involve alot of cardio?
Nah, I barely do any cardio, aside from a bit of walking to the shops during the week. I do do weight lifting though, but it's not an intensive regime, I just do it to help out on the side.

I agree with what you're saying too. Despite my goal weight (which was basically just a rough estimate at the time) I'm just going to carry on going until the fat is gone, I just don't want that to be another 14lbs away, especially as summer is comming up which means I'll have to live at home... gah, I'll probably have to start jogging. *shudders*

The last 5 pounds have been quite difficult to lose though, I've occasionally broken the diet to feast on numerous things, including lots of ice cream, lots and lots of whisky, coke and wine, occasional fried chicken, peanuts, etc. Hell, right now I've added hot chocolate to the diet, although thats mainly as I have a cold.
Well according to healthstatus.com ideal weight for a 6'1" male is between 151 and 189lbs but I agree.. It's completely how healthy you are and how you feel about yourself.. If your not feeling good at the weight your at then maybe your just more suited for the lower end :)
I agree with what people are saying...its how healthy you are and not what you weigh!
My dads a fireman, hes 49 and in great ship thers not an ounce of fat on him...but according to his BMI hes clinically obese!!!
Muscle weighs more than fat n i think men especially have to bare that in mind when going through weight loss!
So if you feel healthy and your comfortable with ya body...then the scientific mumbo jumbo..isnt necessarily important!! health is much more important than what any scales say!! :)
finding out your ideal weight is a bit of a grey area. you'd be surprised how easy it is to be 13 stone, especially at 6'1. like they've said above, its all relative. my friend is 6'5 and 11 1/2 stone, but so is my 6'0 friend, neither of them look skeletal. i used to work at a riding school where the limit to ride was 13st, and a lot of men who didnt look in any way large were way over that. my mother and my best friend (who was basically sectioned for anorexia) both weighed the same and are the same height, whereas my mum is healthy.