What works for you?


Full Member
After being on the cambridge diet for just over 1 week I was just wondering what tends to work for others?

I felt that during the day at work I was fine and could carry on about my day as normal, Yet as soon as 5pm hits and I'm home the food cravings set in and I wanted to eat anything I could get my hands on!

I'm not usualy too hungry in the mornings so I got myself into the habbit of having my Breakfast shake at 11am/12pm and my Lunch time shake at 5pm and then my Dinner time shake at somepoint in the evening which I felt has really helped me as I havn't been jumping on to SS+ I have been sticking strictly to SS which I'm really proud of!

I would just like to know what has help you through your first tough week and what Has kept you on the bandwagon through your journey?

I struggle with the afternoons/evenings too. I have my first shake when i get up and then wait as long as I can before my second - if I can slip it to mid afternoon it seems to be much easier. I am also happy to have a 4th shake in the day if I am really struggling (am right on the height criteria for 3/4 shales anyway but prefer to stick to 3 - on good days I struggle to eat those)as for me thats better than eating. For me being 100% is the key - even one lick or mouthful of something off plan (or to be honest even "allowed" foods on SS+) throws me completely off track. I guess thats each to their own - I know people who allow themselves a treat each week, but I just can't do it!

Hope you find what makes it easier/works for you!
I like my little routine that im in that seems to be doing the trick for me. I feel that part of the struggle is also mental, As when I was at my heaviest I kept a little diary of the way I was feeling when I was around friends and out for a meal I felt really self concious and that If i got a burger people would be saying "No wonder shes that size" when in reality I wasn't completly obese just a little chubby! That really helped me as I like to look back at the way I was feeling and it motivates me not to go back there!
