What would you do?


I'm on day 2 of ts and it's going ok... Ish
Haven't caved which is a huge hurdle that I've overcome.

However. Saturday my parents are having my little girls. I hardly ever go out with hubby and feel a bit :-/ about going out and sipping water.
I did think about doing a ws day but I don't eat meat either so I think this would prove quite tricky.

And I'm not going to lie.. A couple of glasses of wine would be nice.
So I'm thinking I can stay in ( booooo :-( ) hubs defo wants to go out to a pub or somewhere so I could go and be a miserable sod all night with water. Or a night off?
I don't want to seem unwilling to do this and on a normal weekend I'd do it with a struggle but I'd manage.
But I'm child free! Arghhhhhhhhh

Jo xx
I would go out and drink water , I often do :) I actually find you can have a lot of fun being the only sober one, its funny to see others getting more and more drunk and watching them .. and having loads of storys to tell the next day !!!! If you have a day off the diet this early on it will be very hard to gt back on it xx
Go out and drink water. There is alway going to be something that comes up that we can create an excuse to go off the diet for a day or two.
I am at the end of week 1 and I have had to go out to a work event all expenses paid, a family party with everyone drinking and eating but I just reassessed why I was doing it and resisted.
everyone was like, take a drink take a drink. But the truth of the matter it takes you to about day 4 ish to get your body into ketosis, so 1 drink or one bite to eat will set you back 4 days!! is it worth it?
I agree, drink water!

The first time I went out after 5 days on TS and I was dreading it. But before I went I really pampered myself, spent extra time over my hair and make up and it really made me feel ready to go out.

I don't miss alcohol when I am out and trust me, I was a big drinker before starting this diet. At times it just feels like something is missing and not quite right when I am out but I still always have a good time and love not having a fuzzy head the next day.

You just need to ask yourself how you will feel if you get low weight losses, it's just not worth it. This can be a tough diet and you can have more of a social life on the likes on WW and Slimming world but there is no wag I could have lost 4 stone in 3 months on those diets. For me the sacrifice is 100% worth the results exante gives me.
Well done for getting through to day two. I couldn't go out with just one person and sit while they ate - in those situations I order a salad without any dressing so I have something low carb/calorie to chew on. I'm on day 26 and have had 3 WS days so far for socialising and still had good losses (19lb so far). The other option is to buy some nice new undies and suggest a night in with hubby instead ;)
It's obviously your call but imagine how disappointed you will feel the day after, I would.
If you really don't want to break your diet but feel that you don't wan't to be miserable by not going out...can you not fib and say you are unwell or something and send him for a few pints with the lads for a couple of hours? I know it's not much fun but just think when you complete your goal and you are at the weight you want to be...you will have lots of time to enjoy nights out.
On the other hand if I were you, I would decide today, as you're on day 2 chances are your body hasn't gone into ketosis yet, not much point in forcing it to if you're going to stop at the weekend anyway. Then get back to it as soon as possible.
Good luck with your decision x
i can relate to this post.. my best friends party is next month andim definetly going and i will be drunk because me and him are terrible together.. this isnt like giving in or having no will power because its a choice i have made. i have abot 3 weeks and im gonna work even harder before that day.. and yeh ok i might put a few pounds on that night but im going straight back on it the next morning and life will carry on. if you harldy ever go out due to kids etc and you have the will power to get straight back on it (even harder maybe) then i say wy dont you drive then you can have a couple of glasses of wine or a few spritzers with diet lemonade.. you have to make a decision yourself otherwise u will relapse.. :)
Well done for getting through to day two. I couldn't go out with just one person and sit while they ate - in those situations I order a salad without any dressing so I have something low carb/calorie to chew on. I'm on day 26 and have had 3 WS days so far for socialising and still had good losses (19lb so far). The other option is to buy some nice new undies and suggest a night in with hubby instead ;)
im gonna sound real dense but i guessed WS day is like a day off but what does it stand for :p
I've been out and drank vodka and diet coke twice, it didn't knock me out of ketosis, nor did I eat anything, I did save half a bar for the inevitable munchies when I got home, it does stall your weight loss, but doesn't stop it, do not drink wine or diet lemonade, both will knock you out of ketosis and land you back at Square 1. For me it's totally unrealistic to make a long-ish term stab at this diet and not have the odd bit of socialising, I just simply wouldn't be able to keep it up due to the boredom factor.
What did you do in the end then? xx