Whats for breakfast?

i am having magic porridge9 porridge soaked overnight in a mullerlight yoghurt) with strawberries and blueberries. yummy.
Weetabix, skimmed milk and banana x
I tried my first Mullerlight orange with chocolate sprinkles and was a bit disappointed. I didn't like having to buy them in a multipack but thought I would just so I could try them. I'm not a lover of cherry yogurt but I won't waist them even though they have a syn value. I think I will stick to the banana & toffee flavours.
2 slices of wholemeal bread, beans, poached egg and cheese triangle :)

Will have a pear or something a little while after then
crunchy bran with milk strawberries,banana and a yoghurt and a cup of tea :)
I had 2 slices bacon with hexb x 2 nimble with 2 dairylea light cheese slices hexa, it was lovely, i just cant believe what you can enjoy on sw!!
having a red day today :D:D
Blueberries and banana with a muller over the top. Also 2 slices nimble toasted with smoked ham a teaspoon of butter and a tomato with a cuppa tea!
My breakfasts are very samey when I'm in work, as I take them in with me and have them on my first break - nearly always porridge, with milk from my allowance, topped with berries.

When I'm at home, I like cooked breakfasts. Tomorrow I'm planning on having a breakfast omelette - 2 eggs, whisked with a tbsp of water (don't ask me why, but it does make a difference), fried with Frylight and then finished off under the grill. I'll probably fill that up with Quorn sausages, mushroom and tomatoes. The omelettes make a good wrap, if you have time to do them in the morning. It's something you can make, then take with you to eat on your way to work.

I always always always fry my mushrooms with some dried oregano and loads of black pepper, sometimes with a bit of garlic as well. YUM.

Whats for Breakfast today? Does it last you till lunchtime?

Mine is Special K Sustain, blackberries, blueberries and fat free natural yogurt. Going to be a busy morning so I expect it to last till lunchtime, normally does!

(Special K Sustain is being discontinued by Kelloggs!!)
28g Porridge cooked with water.
Sliced banana and cinammon mixed in.Splosh of milk from HEA!!
Not hungry until lunch time and beyond!
Smoked kippers & poached eggs yum yum yum