Whats for breakfast?

1/2 honeydew melon, a banana a cup of tea. Just going to make a picnic for lunch then might have a coconut muller before setting off for the day...
Tried the magic porridge this morning and it was lovely. Used one of my coconut mullers but might try a vanilla one tomorrow. Much more filling than I expected. Was full till lunch :-D
Tried the magic porridge this morning and it was lovely. Used one of my coconut mullers but might try a vanilla one tomorrow. Much more filling than I expected. Was full till lunch :-D

I've just had this, :eek: it's delicious !! Was kinda wary trying it but it really is nice. I used a vanilla sprinkled with dark choc mullerlight and it's really nice. I'd say the coconut was lovely. Think I'll try toffee next. Yum.
Debridger said:
I am so gonna have to try magic porridge....
I bought some, lost it, bought some more... found 2 bags..... gave 1 away, and I still haven't tried it!!

Haha it's really easy to do just weight out the 28g (or use one sachets that's already weighed) the muller light on top then in the fridge overnight. I have mine warm with chopped fruits on top yum yum yum :) x
1/2 canteloupe melon, ww strawberry tart yoghurt and a coffee...
Breakfast of 42g porridge (HEB & 3.5syn) and 60ml skimmed milk (1 syn)

Need a big breakfast because come 1pm ish I have to do my usual fast ready for aerobics class tonight. It seems to be just me but if I eat or drink anything after 1pm for my class at 7pm I have a MAJOR stitch and cant do the cardio part of the class.