Whats for breakfast?

My pack definitely says 28g plus a ryvita but it is a few years old so maybe it has changed?! That would make me very happy **trots off to eat 7g of bran flakes for every day of the last 4 weeks**
The crispy outside edges of the Doner meat I've had in the oven all morning for taster in an hour :)
Apple, strawberries, blueberries, grapes and a little pot of Total 0% greek yogurt :)
My hex for whole meal bread, baked beans, boiled egg, tomatoes and a rasher medallion. And grapes. Full to the brim.... :D
I'm not a big tea or coffee drinker so I usually use all my HExs for breakfast - All Bran or Shredded Wheat with my full allowance of semi-skimmed milk. As a kid I always drowned my cereal so not much has changed!
Thats where most of my milk allowance goes as im not a massive tea lover and hate coffee. I leave a tiny drop to put in my one cup of the day
Magic porridge with frozen berries. I am not a big tea and coffee drinker so I save my hexb milk for the odd cup during the day and if there is any left, I add it to an Options chocolate drink in the evening.
i,ve been having porridge every morn for the last two weeks.35g of oats with 100ml milk and 100ml water with a pinch of salt! i am addicted! and ai dont feel hungry til lunch :)

cathie xXx
I'm having magic porridge (HExB) with strawberries, blueberries and a sliced banana - yummy!!