Whats for breakfast?

50g organic porridge oats, 3tsp milled flaxseed, 1tsp cinnamon, blueberries and a small banana
This morning I'm having a banana and a Weight Watchers raspberry tart dessert yogurt :)
Half a melon and lots of green tea with lemon :D
Had cooked breakfast - Bacon, mushroom, tomato, baked beans, egg, WM pitta and 1 tbs Brown sauce, Black tea. That should keep me going for a while.
Wholemeal toast (heB) topped worth grilled cheese (heA) and grilled cherry tomatoes. Yum yum! X
You get your porridge and mix a muller light in or other yogurt and leave it in the fridge over night and you can eat it without cooking it next day. I know loads on here love it but i didnt rate it to be honest, give it a go though and see what you think. I believe you can cook it but not sure if you microwave it or not, im sure someone else can tell you how to cook it.

Thanks!! It's doest sounds that tasty but you never know! Ill defo try it! Always got muller light and porridge in. X

Currently 15st 6.5lbs
Not that ive ever tasted it but it just reminds me of wallpaper paste lol - i may have to give it another try and like you say disguise it with lots of fruit etc
I used to love porridge but it doesn't like me!!!