Whats for breakfast?

magic porridge for me and a wee drop fruit x
Apple, pineapple and strawberries for breakfast this morning, and 2 x rocky road HiFi Light :)
Monster smoothie-banana, peanut butter, spinach and 1% milk, and an apple
Well what I do is chop up banana and whack them in the freezer(peel and chop it first,I made that mistake and put a whole banana in the freezer lol). Then you put frozen banana, about 200 ml of milk, two decent handfuls of spinach and a wee teaspoon of peanut butter (optional) and then blitz it till its smooth. And it doesn't taste of spinach at all-if you google them you can see loads of variations, they are so refreshing cos the banana was frozen it keeps it lovely and cool. That one I had this morning was 8.5 syns as I used milk as a hea, but to be honest I'm not going to bother using peanut butter anymore, waste of syns really, and you don't miss it if its gone. I also usually use almond or soy milk, but I didn't have any today, so from now on il just use banana and it'll only be 4 syns with milk as hea. If you want to use more milk, just use more spinach too-you can't really go wrong with it, and you can make it thicker or thinner depending in quantities-tastes lovely thicker or thinner!
Next part was bacon, eggs, tomatoes and beans :)
good ole porridge & a cuppa tea
I'm trying magic porridge for the first time today, and REALLY hoping I like it as a) I've forgotten my back up hifi, and b) think it could be a really filling and practical breakfast for me on the go to work!!! X

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Weetabix with banana on top, maybe some extra fruit on the side
Bran flakes(b), ff Greek yog, honey(3) xxx
Fruit salad (kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, satsuma, pear & grapes)
2 slices (HexB) wholemeal toast with lighter than light flora (1/2 syn) xxxx

two dry fried eggs on heb of wholemeal toast and baked beans .
really wished i could eat fresh fruit in the morning but it makes me gag just at the thought. can just about get a banana down at breakfast time :-(