Whats for breakfast?

Tea and toast today. Have woke feeling sick. Don't know if it's nerves and excitement for my holiday or I'm coming down with something so can't eat much.

Really hope its not the latter and you are soon feeling a lot better
Really hope its not the latter and you are soon feeling a lot better

Thank you. I think it's just nerves, first holiday since having my little girl and I've never left her, also I'm working right up till I go and I still have tons to do. I'm stressing I think just.
Shape 0% mango yogurt with watermelon, grapes, pineapple, mango and cantaloupe.
Muesli with hazelnuts and skimmed milk
Strawberries, blueberries and a shape 0% fat strawberry yogurt.
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=141885"/>

Think I should have popped to Ginlin's for breakfast :) but I had a big bowl of banana, kiwi, apricots, raspberries and pear, topped with coconut mullerlight instead and it was delish.
2x weetabix, sliced banana, skimmed milk HE A followed by a kiwi fruit.