Whats occurring?

Oooh bet that came in handy! Did you share it or keep it Katie? I ask cos I stress about whether friends are happy to share when we say we will lol x

Well me and my friend always went together and said we would split whatever we won the night I won this I got the money and ran hahaha just joking I wasn't happy my friend had brought her relation and I split it 3 ways cause she was sitting with us I shouldn't have but think I'm abit soft :-(
I must go and try my luck again soon Xxx
Ahh Katie! I think what I'm going to do is split with my main buddies but if they bring or something sod that lol

Yeah you should try again and not be so generous lol x

I was annoyed by it but got over it and bumped into her a while afterwards and she said it came in so handy for her kids Xmas clothes so that made me feel better ;-)

Just been all cozy in bed and again forgot to do my magic porridge grrrr had to go back don to do it silly me Xxx
I was annoyed by it but got over it and bumped into her a while afterwards and she said it came in so handy for her kids Xmas clothes so that made me feel better ;-)

Just been all cozy in bed and again forgot to do my magic porridge grrrr had to go back don to do it silly me Xxx

I bet it came in handy lol

Hope your porridge is ready this morning x
I'm not too good I will get back on track soon I need to give my head a wobble hope you are well x

Awwwww what's up, try & get on here more for support, you could also start a diary on here which may help. I'm good thanks, just had DD birthday weekend so full of cake:rolleyes:
Awwwww what's up, try & get on here more for support, you could also start a diary on here which may help. I'm good thanks, just had DD birthday weekend so full of cake:rolleyes:

What is a dd, I think being away from home then my birthday and going away just made me go off track plus I suffer with anxiety which is bad atm I will sort myself out, I do have a diary, link is in my sig so feel free to pop over although it's not really been used recently I will get it sorted lol. Xx
What is a dd, I think being away from home then my birthday and going away just made me go off track plus I suffer with anxiety which is bad atm I will sort myself out, I do have a diary, link is in my sig so feel free to pop over although it's not really been used recently I will get it sorted lol. Xx

DD = Dear Daughter:D oh I hadn't noticed you had a diary I'll pop over later x