Whats the most hurtful thing anyone has said regarding your weight?

The Caretaker

Silver Member
There is a middle ranking member of my works who is close to the boss and therefore thinks she's actually a high ranking member of staff, She can be totally viscous. :eek:
about a year ago I developed Poluarticulal Gout (i get all over my body not just feet) i had an appointment to get a scan from the hospital, and as I told her i would be off site and the reason was i was having a scan, she said........"Well looking at the size of you your probably pregnant"...........By the way i'm a bloke! :sigh: I'm going to walk back in there when i'm at goal weight and give her verbal roasting!
Anyone else?
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I'm about 2 stone overweight and a size 16. My sister in law bought me a top for Christmas in a size 20 which really upset me. Not the same as saying something but it made me really determined to lose the weight! (She's a size 10!)
That's really nasty!!!! Some people really need to think before they speak!! Good luck for the day you walk back in there

I often have strangers assume I am pregnant (I am a girl) and ask how long until the baby is due, it doesn't bother me now as I just got used to it and go along with it so I don't make them feel bad for being nosy idiots but I would never ask a stranger that kind of question.

The worst thing for me was when I was looking for a new job last year after having been made redundant and you could just tell by the look some people gave me when I walked in for the interview, and for jobs I could do in my sleep, that they could not see past my weight/size and that I may as well have just turned around straight away as there was no chance they would have given me the job
Oh JackJane, that would be horrible, I would never buy clothes for anyone as a gift for that exact reason, she should just have got you a gift voucher for that store x
wow! that's really mean. I can't say I've had someone say something mean other than when growing up and being in school. I think for the moment things are more in my head then in someone's mouth. In terms of I might think someone thinks I'm squishy, undesirable etc when in fact that's not quite the case. For me it's like my father says I'm my own worse enemy, but I'm doing something about it and have gotten to the bottom of why my body holds onto the weight.

Now that I have those issues sorted I'm hoping my body will work with me to lose the weight rather then holding onto the weight to protect me. I think sometimes when people say things like that it motives us to do something, and one thing I always will agree with my father on is success is the best revenge!

Lose the weight and know you have one over on her
Oh god she sounds horrible!

I've had a few 'when are you due' and 'you've
let yourself go' comments but now I'm getting closer to target people are starting to pay me compliments. Not that I will ever forget/forgive the hurtful ones.

Best advice I can give is to completely ignore them, as if you hadn't heard the comment. No doubt she is battling her own demons - whatever they may be! X
TheCaretaker, I wouldnt even wait until i was at goal, she should never make comments like that to anyone, regardless of weight! The miserable old crone!

My dad says some pretty horrible things like "the weight would come off faster if you didnt sit at home stuffing yourself"
I had it out with him after that comment and he honestly thought he was being motivating :eek: He said he was really worried about my weight, but i dont think there is any excuse for that kind of rudeness!
Haha the way parents minds work eh?!? Good for you for speaking to him about it and I hope he is more supportive now
I went in a shop ,a little while ago, where an idiot ex of mine works. I was all polite and nice and his words were " You've put on weight haven't you?"
What a twithead. Instead of responding aggressively I replied "Yes I have," Then left the shop and went home and got upset. Gave myself a pat on the back later for keeping calm in front of him though!
Oh if I wanted to stoop to her level, she has the most enoumous hook nose, but being someone who has never been that rude on purpose I just couldn't bring myself to say it! but boy if i did! I would probably be brought up in front of the Governors! funny how things work.

There was another time with a friend of mine actually, and i had been dieting for about 3 months and had lost a stone and a half, and I have to say I was feeling pretty gopod about myself, and I bumped into someone I hadn't seen for about 6 months, and he said Whoooa! youve put on a bit of timber!!! I went straight out and bought a bag of chip and had a half pound bar of fruit and nut for afters :wave_cry: but that was a very long time ago.
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My Grandmother has always been my biggest critic. She constantly picks at me, even now, but I remember when I was a teen, she would see me eating a sandwich and say, "Eating again?" even though it might be the first thing I'd eaten all day. Or, "Every time your elbow bends, your mouth opens."
There was one day where I had put on some new clothes and thought I looked very well, and decided to pop in to see her on my way to somewhere. "That top makes you look huge", she said in greeting. End of Good Feeling.
She forgets that I didn't get fat all by myself. When I was a toddler, and was given all the sweets I asked for. When I was in primary school and would get 4 sandwiches with jam and real butter, a bar of chocolate, a bag of crisps and a fizzy drink for lunch, and still get money before and after school for sweets, have a huge dinner at 3pm, and "tea" (which was usually fish fingers and chips or something similar) at 6pm, and then toast or something before bed. Come on... I wouldn't have made all that food for myself, and I certainly don't make all that food for my own kids.
These days, she still picks, but it's because....wait for it...."you mustn't feed those kids they're very thin, maybe they need a tonic." Yeah, fatten them up, why don't you, and then you can prick holes in their confidence for 30 years like you've done with me.
My kids are fed very well. They get toast/cereal for breakfast, 2 sandwiches, fruit and yogurt or cereal bar for school lunch, and dinner of potatoes and veg with meat at 5-6pm. If they get hungry between meals, they can snack on fruit. If they are hungry before bed (which doesn't happen often) they can then get another bowl of cereal or toast.

Whooo, just realised that I went off on a bit of a tangent there! Who knew I had that much resentment lol
I had to call a patient so I could do an asesment on him and he said in a very loud voice infront of a full waiting room ."you're a big girl wouldn't like to meet you on a dark night"so the waiting rom went quiet and I said just as loud I find that remark offensive I will get another nurse to asses you and walked away !! later on pts cane to me and said how well I handled it .very upsetting at the time.
why do these oeople think they have the right to say what they do ?
Quite simply, acc, they'e A-holes!
The worst thing I've had said to me is 'omg you've piled weight on havent you' then she proceeded to lift up her top and show me her size 6 stomach! Nothing against any size but she's too thin for her height which I find just as I attractive as being overweight and her face.. Yuk!
Mandy, I'm so sorry to hear your grandmother can get to you so much pet. Looking at your weight loss, it seems like you are having the last laugh. My story is pretty similar. As offensive as my dad can be to me, he is constantly telling me my boys are too thin. I have a 5 year old and he is very slightly underweight, but he eats good, healthy, nourishing food (similar to your kids) and eats to his own appetite. He is extremely active too, and quite tall, so looks thinner than he is. My parents are constantly asking if he is eating enough, should I take him to the doctor, is it normal. And then in the same breath telling me i'm enormous!!!
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There is a middle ranking member of my works who is close to the boss and therefore thinks she's actually a high ranking member of staff, She can be totally viscous. :eek:
about a year ago I developed Poluarticulal Gout (i get all over my body not just feet) i had an appointment to get a scan from the hospital, and as I told her i would be off site and the reason was i was having a scan, she said........"Well looking at the size of you your probably pregnant"...........By the way i'm a bloke! :sigh: I'm going to walk back in there when i'm at goal weight and give hea verbal roasting!
Anyone else?

Oh if I wanted to stoop to her level, she has the most enoumous hook nose, but being someone who has never been that rude on purpose I just couldn't bring myself to say it! but boy if i did! I would probably be brought up in front of the Governors! funny how things work.

There wasanother time with a friend of mine actually, and i had been dieting for about 3 months and had lost a stone and a half, and I have to say I was feeling pretty gopod about myself, and I bumped into someone I hadn't seen for about 6 months, and he said Whoooa! youve put on a bit of timber!!! I went straight out and bought a bag of chip and had a half pound bar of fruit and nut for afters :wave_cry: but that was a very long time ago.

i think a lot of the time, people seem to think men don't get offended by comments about their weight. It's wrong I know, but true. The best thing you could have done is to tell her you found that comment very offensive and if she hasn't anything nice to say then don't speak to you at all.
I wouldn't mind but when you finally do well and start losing weight you get the ' ooh careful you don't go too far it. Can get obsessive you've lost enough now' haha. This usually comes from twig like size 8-10 girls. And I just think... You prefer me when I'm fat then eh?! DON'T LISTEN TO ANYONE. People always want to bring you down with their negative attitudes. Listen to those that have encouraging words for you not the ones that you will NEVER win with. Some people just want to keep you down xxx
God people can be so ignorant! My parents always used to poke me in the stomach and make comments about me having put weight on when I lived there. And it was always remarks about how I am too short to put weight on as it goes straight to my tummy.

Insensitive b*******!! I tend to just look at them and say hmmmm yes so have you now if they comment but don't really care any more. Who are they to judge me?!
What happened to the old... If you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything at all!!?? Xx